Friday, May 15, 2009

What Mother's Day?

No - really, I did have a Mother's Day. It is just a day that both my DH and I wish would disappear. Well, the bad parts anyways.

Not only was it Mother's Day, but it was my DH's birthday as well. Now how do you go about celebrating that? You can argue that he gets Father's Day too - well, I have a birthday as well. So, we looked at where we could compromise. He got to play golf all day on Saturday with his buddies (and I mean all day - gone from 7am to almost 9pm). He got to sleep in a little on Sunday (I was up at 5:45am with the baby, he was up at 7:45am). Don't worry - my birthday is this month as well and I will get to sleep in on my day (on Father's Day, DH plays golf and is gone at the crack of dawn).

We met my Mom and Step-Dad for lunch. This was one of the best parts of the whole day - it was a really delicious and relaxing meal. The unfortunate thing is that when DH was getting dressed for lunch, he realized the carpet in the closet was wet. The ball valve in our closet had somehow split along the brass. Now how this happened, even he doesn't have a clue and he is a plumber. So he turns off the water, stops up the area with towels, and we go to lunch. It wasn't until we stopped off at Home Depot after lunch that he was kicking himself for not shutting the water off at the main because the ball valve would probably still be leaking from the brass. And it was. I don't blame him for this plumber's error. He was in a rush to try to get out for our lunch reservation.

1 1/2 hours later, a new ball valve is on, along with a larger hole in my closet, the carpet and padding is completely ripped out and in the garage and my DH and I had about 15 minutes to get ready for the babysitter as we had a date night at the Warren Theater in the balcony for dinner and a movie. We saw Star Trek and consumed large amounts of adult beverages. That was a great ending to our day.

It is now 5 days later and my slab in the closet is finally dried (yes, it was that wet). Now I am wondering how many Mother's Days will come and go before the numerous holes in my bathroom and closet are patched and painted, as well as re-flooring the closet? I never blogged last month about the 3 other holes that DH had to cut into the sheetrock in our bathroom because a screw rusted out on our shower valve and was leaking into our closet. After two soakings, you can now understand why the carpet had to go.

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