Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Already 1/3 and more of the way done

Where has the time gone? We are already into the middle of May! Can you believe that a little more than 1/3 of 2009 is already come and gone? I feel as if time has moved too fast and I have missed something. I do not know when I even posted my last blog. So, here is a quick update of things.

Nine more schools days and my children are free (well, sort of) for summer. I am diligently trying to get activities scheduled for them, so that I can try to have some time for me. I am determined to get some scrapbooking and knitting done, so that when I do start back to work, I feel as if I have got something accomplished for myself. Selfish, I know, but a much needed time to release my creativity and work my brain.

As it is, JT is doing t-ball in the evenings until the end of June. That is if the rain doesn't keep canceling his games so that the league has to reschedule them for 9pm or later. Why the league thinks it is okay, or even appropriate, to schedule 5/6 year-olds for this time I do not know. But hey, they are not the ones having to deal with the tired, cranky kids the next morning. JT is going to be doing gymnastics again this summer. We had the opportunity to do a Level 4 Rec at Bart Conner's, but that is more for kids who are looking at gymnastics being their main sport of focus. JT wants to still try and play everything, so we are putting him in Beginner Boy's. Now to decide if he will do it for 1 or 2 days a week. He is also signed up for 2 days at Gymboree for play and activity time, and swimming in July.

KD is doing Gymboree and swimming with her brother, her gymnastics is 1 time a week, and now we are looking at adding dance. If we do not get her into dance this summer, she will definitely be starting it this fall. She is an active little girl, but not as high energy as her brother, so she has the lighter schedule.

Ry-Ry will now be referred to as Bulldozer, or Dozer for short. That is because that is all he does is just plow through everything and get into everything. He is a constant little man in motion, but thankfully not walking or running without assistance. He can toddle while holding onto one finger, but he knows he can book it on all fours and still prefers this mode (unless he is cruising around holding onto the furniture). I have yet to figure out a place for him. It would be ideal to have him in a MDO program the 2 days the kids are in Gymboree, so that I can work in my DH's office, or get things done sans kiddos. But then again, I will probably be driving a kid here, driving another one there, and not having anytime to myself. So, unless something just falls on my lap with him, I guess he and I will be cruising the streets together (and caging him in his playpen when I do need to fold laundry).

I hope to have updates over the summer of fun activities, sayings, and events. As it is, my biggest excitement is this Sunday. I am going to go to Kayne's house for a "Fashion with Heart" event. I am a whirlwind of emotions. I really support Go Red for Women and the American Heart Association, since my Sorority's Philanthropy is for Cardiac Care and Research. But the biggest buzz is that it is at his house! Now what to wear? What to wear? What to wear? Dang - I've got to get into my closet, get dressed up, take a picture, change, take a picture, etc. till I find the right outfit. Too bad my birthday hasn't already come along so that I would have new clothes. Too bad either that I haven't lost all of my baby weight. Oh well - this fat mama, will just have to be a sassy mama instead!

1 comment:

Christina said...

I wouldn't call time to yourself selfish. If you are stressed out that's no good for anyone.