Friday, September 19, 2008

My reality TV

I love my reality TV show. It is better than anything else in this world. Of course, I know that I may be a little bias about this subject, but you would have to agree that my reality TV is addictive. I can lay there all day and all night just staring at my show.

I'm serious. No joke. Early in the morning, in the middle of the night, when I am getting dressed and undressed, or even sometimes in the afternoon. It doesn't matter when. Whenever my TV is on - I am glued to it.

I got my "reality TV show" just last week. At least, that is what I call my new video baby monitor. We had to move the baby to his crib because he was outgrowing the cradle in our room, plus he was sleeping more through the night. However, I was not comfortable just letting him be in his room on his own hoping I would hear him if he cried in the middle of the night, so off for baby monitor shopping we went. We opted to pay more for the video baby monitor thinking that in the future we would move the camera upstairs to monitor our kids and their playing while we were downstairs. I know, I know. Smart Momma! But now I cannot help but stare at what I call my reality TV show. During the day, it is in color. At night, it is black and white. There is even sound too. I told you I was biased about my show. But if you were to see it in person, I am sure you would agree with me too.


Christina said...

Hmm.. Thankfully it will be years before you get sex, drugs, & rock-n-roll on your show. Unless of course you and Jeff have party night. lol

Wendles said...

Too bad we didn't invest more money in the type of system that records!

Lanie said...

How cute... and the system can be used for sleep overs then those parties the kids have when you leave them home for the weekend by themselves!!