Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Shoo Fly.............. I mean, Flies

I hate living in the country. I like the area my DH has found, I really am beginning to like the house that he has built for his family, I just hate all of the BUGS! Especially the flies. I always know right when the weather is going to change in the summer, like if a storm is going to come in, because the flies in our house multiply by the hundreds. I know my DH killed 5 flies this morning, I have killed 7, and yet they are everywhere. It seems as if whenever I kill just 1 fly, it regenerates into 2 more. It is windy, rainy, and chilly today - unlike the 90-something degrees it was just 2 days ago. These flies will hopefully be shoo-ing themselves out my door by tomorrow as things start to warm up. I just hope I don't have so many in my house come this weekend as we celebrate my son's birthday.

At least we live close enough to the front of the addition that I do not have to deal with the other wonderful pets of nature, like some of my unfortunate neighbors have been experiencing lately. We had our HOA meeting last night and several of the neighbors that live by the back fields have been having problems with skunks, raccoons, and now snakes. One had a snake up in his car just a few days ago - now that would have sent my DH screaming. I personally like snakes - but I don't think even I would have handled the 4 footer in my minivan.

The only pests I have to live with is the damn delivery men that come to my door before 9am. I guess since we live in the country - they put us first on their deliveries. I cannot tell you how many delivery drivers I have "flashed" in the morning as I am carrying my milk supply from my bedroom to my kitchen. (I have a 2-month old that doesn't breastfeed, but doesn't like formula. I have to pump 5-6 times a day to feed my little chubba-whubba). This time, it wasn't the UPS or FedEx man - it was the guy delivering my trashbins. I finally broke down from having to haul the trash 3/4 mile to our city trash every other day and am now having pick-up service. Well - he sure got to know a lot of me - and I actually had a robe on this time, but it came untied as I was walking! Go figure - I guess it just satisfies any exhibition fantasies I have never had.


Christina said...

Oh please.. We've flashed half the state in our youth. All those times we changed clothes in the parking lots or driving down the highway? At least now you can blame it on the baby!

Lanie said...

You probably made his day... how many deliveries does he make without seeing any flesh... way too many!!

Wendles said...

The first guy that was "flashed" was a young UPS man. It was when Ryland was 1 week old and I was having no sleep. I never so brown move so fast. After that - whenever UPS has come - it has always been a much OLDER man. :)

Melessa Gregg said...

I flashed many a person during my nursing days, not to mention before then.

The second day we lived here I came home to a snake about 3-4 feet sunning itself in my driveway. I called Dave and told him I wanted to go back to Norman immediately. Raccoons used to be a big problem too. Then, we got the 'dawg.' Gotta love him for that!