Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday Tidings

It has been quite a while since I have had a chance to sit and write. How my girlfriend can do it almost daily, I am shocked. But as I have stated before, she is an excellent writer.

I should really be paying bills right now, but I cannot pass up the opportunity to get a few quotes from the mouths of my babes written down before they are lost and forgotten.

The first is from my daughter. It was a couple of Sundays ago, and I had invited Grandma and Grandpa to go to the zoo with me and the kids, while DH was supposed to get some work done (he worked at shopping that day, but he did come home with some awesome goodies and had mole made for us that night). Anyways, back on track. I was driving us back home and the kids are tired and fighting. So Grandma starts the "I Spy" game to keep them entertained. As we are playing along, it is one of Grandpa's turn.... and here is how it went:
GP: "I spy something gray."
KD: "It's Mommy's hair!"
(Thanks kid - and many of them are from you)

And now for my oldest. I snuck into his classroom a minute before the bell rang today to pick him up (since I was parked in the oval). His teacher had to stop me to let me know what my son did yesterday. My immediate thought: "Crap, what did he do now? Especially when he knew his daddy was getting him because I was at the hospital seeing my dad." But, here is what she told me:
TEACH: So yesterday, during free time, JT goes over to the table where there is a group of girls sitting. He leans one arm against the table and in his most suave voice says, "So, do any of you want to come to my house to see the movie Cinderella?"
ME: That has got to be the best Pre-K Pick-Up Line I have ever heard! I'm raising a little Casanova. (At least he knows what the Ladies like!)

1 comment:

Melessa Gregg said...

LOL! For all his problems with teachers, Tristan has always had a girlfriend throughout his elementary school career. Glad to see JT is continuing the tradition. Maybe it's because they have sisters?