Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dear Hubby....... here's your clue

I love my DH. He is sometimes so clueless.... or maybe it is becaues he is so busy with his business and having to be direct all of the time, that just laying items out as a hint for X-mas doesn't work for him.

Case-in-point. This week we got a flyer for the triple-B store. Since I like to play "Mexico" when soaking in our tub (pretending I'm soaking in the ocean, drinking my cocktail, reading a good book and relaxing - while actually looking at a picture of a Mexican beach) , I turned the flyer to the bath tray that extends over the tub, holds the book, the wine, etc. My DH just looks at it and asks if there was anything good in the flyer. My response.... "Duh!"

Although for Christmas, he is taking me to Tulsa to see "Saltimbanco" performed by Cirque du Soleil next Friday night. We are staying the night in a hotel and our kids will be staying with his parents in Bartlesville. My first night away from the baby. But in order to get this "present," I had to forward an e-mail about the ticket information with the text - FOR ME FOR CHRISTMAS.

I guess the only complaint is that it takes the romanticism out of him doing something for me - without me having to lay out so many hints or be so direct. But I have already resigned myself to stop trying to surprise him, as he always guesses what his presents are from me or his family before he even opens them. He rather be direct - get what he wants when he wants - and not have to wait for some silly holiday. So I handed over the form for bowl tickets requests and said, "Merry Christmas - now go fax this from your work."


Christina said...

Sometimes they are just good for warming your feet up when you get into bed.

I'm not that romantical myself but I do appreciate and want it on occasion. It took me a while to recognize my hubby's attempts at thoughtful. Like recording an episode of Behind the Music of one of my favorite 80's hairbands. He refuses to clean his fish tank but he did my laundry for me when I was out of town. It's few and far between but it is there.

At least Jeff is going to Cirque, now if he would just agree to Lion King. lol

Have fun!

Lanie said...

Saltimbanco was really great. Dirk and I enjoyed it, since it had a lot of the Cirque acrobatics and several funny mime pieces. I hope you both enjoy it.

Dirk likes to surprise me, but I always seem to guess. He's like a 5 year old at Christmas and tries to find his gifts, but I can wait... and that drives him nuts. Of course, I've hidden a mountain bike from him before.. and in his own closet. Silly boy!!

Wendles said...

I guess I really shouldn't have my husband surprise me. The year he tried to do that, I got my 20-gauge shotgun and shotgun shells. I was also 8-months pregnant with Kadence. It was really an odd gift for a very hormonal preggo.