Monday, December 15, 2008

Where did I go????

I feel as if I am in a whirlwind and I am trying to figure out where I am. As it takes me 5 attempts to just correctly type this first sentence, I know I need to slow down, strip down, and soak in the tub. Alas, I can't find the time. Time seems to be quickly ticking down this holiday season and I am not finding myself able to actually succeed at accomplishing anything.

I did get the chance to enjoy myself last weekend when my DH took me to Tulsa for my Christmas present. We stayed downtown at the Crowne Plaza, only 2 blocks away from the BOK Center where we were to see Cirque Du Soleil. We had a magnificent dinner at Fleming's in Utica Square. And I had an extremely inebriated evening as I imbibed too heavily. I am not sure if the over-intoxication was more in a celebratory fashion as this is the first night I have spent (especially since Ry-Ry was born) without children in a very long time, or if I was trying to keep my mind so fuddled that I would not care that this was my first night away from my children in almost 6 months, plus the fact that this was the first time that my children had ever spent the night with the In-Laws without their parents present. Either way, a half-bottle of wine, a watered down margarita, and 3 martinis later - I slept somewhat peacefully until I had to get up again at 8am to pump-and-dump my alcoholic supply of breastmilk. It was truly a glorious evening though and I am so happy that my DH made all of the arrangements. For the performance, our seats were in the second row on the floor. I just loved being so close to the action to see all of the details. They were incredible.

Now I am looking at having to try to get my Christmas cards in the mail, finish gifts for this Friday evening, get snacks for my son's class on Wednesday and Friday, buy gifts for the 3 kids we adopted off a tree at a store, and get everything else wrapped up by this weekend, so that I can try to enjoy the time with my kids. Oh, yeah, and still find care for my kids when my DH and I head out the end of the month for the OSU Holiday Bowl. Two weeks left, and still nothing set in stone. That makes me a little too anxious as my days keep coming to a quick close.

Well, time to get fancied up for my sorority alumni party this evening. Hopefully connections will be made and holiday cheer will be spread as I find myself being whipped around in every-which-direction this year.

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