Friday, January 2, 2009

Are you freakin kidding me?!?!

OK - this is a rant. We flew home yesterday from Las Vegas and our plane went from Vegas to Midland/Odessa, then to Love Field (where we then drove home). Our plane was late taking off because we were waiting on 4 chickies to board and stow their luggage that should have been checked. I had to point out to Jeff that was ranting about this, that they probably purchased tickets late and couldn't get their bags checked since we were already loaded and waiting (and waiting and waiting). We made up time in air and landed in Midland/Odessa. We shifted in our seats and stretched out (since the first leg was jammed pack), and the stewardess kept coming over the intercom telling everyone that we will be leaving the gate as soon as everyone was seated. People were waiting to use the potty, so this was our hold-up. I can't complain on this, since I was the second one in line for the facilities when we were given the go ahead and the line was long when I got out (the bonus for sitting near the potty in the first place). But the stewardess kept saying, "Really people.... we will be leaving as soon as everyone sits down in their seats and are buckled. We will be at the next stop in 45 minutes. You can go to the restroom when we are in the air." (She was cranky - but trying to be good-humored about getting the plane going as the flight still had 2 other stops after Love Field).

So FINALLY we are cleared. Everyone is seated, the flight attendants are going over the safety features doing the seatbelt demonstration and this woman in the row in front of me gets UP, crosses over the person in the aisle seat and tries to go to the bathroom! She was never in line waiting like everyone else - she just decided then she wanted to go. This again stopped everything on our flight. The male attendant had to chase down the aisle and kick her out of the bathroom.

I do wish I had a picture of my face at her stupidity. I am sure my dumb-foundedness would have made a priceless pic. I would have forgiven her if this was her very first flight - but as it was, she had just been telling her seat mate that she was on the same plane since Los Angeles, where the flight originated. She had already gone from Los Angeles, to Las Vegas, to now Midland/Odessa, waiting for our leg to Love Field - where she would be exiting with us. She had already had 2 encounters with the plane and the instructions, but the lady thought she could just slip on by.

Maybe next time I will carry some Depends with me in my carry-on for any more idiots that try to hold up the flight anymore.

I hate idiots on planes.

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