Sunday, February 22, 2009

Family updates

I have been so busy of late, that I really haven't had anytime to post a blog. Well, besides the fact that we did spend 8 days this month in Disney World, my time is just running by rather quickly. I have had so much going on in my mind, just never a computer when I need one.

So for family updates......... KD is doing great at her school. She really enjoys her music class and all of the teachers (one of them who is a professional musician herself) keep singing praises at how well she has developed and the musical talent she is exhibiting.

JT is being himself. We were moved to another gymnastics class this last week because the coaches said that he is just too athletic. The coaches knew that KD would follow along with whatever group he was assigned to, so we tried it out. JT still says he is bored, but not as much as the other gymnastics class. I keep him in gymnastics since it is year-round and really helps to develop his balance and coordination, so it fills in his time in-between his other sports.

Ry-Ry is growing too fast, and I am now having to admit it that he is 8-months old and can no longer be cuddled and held all of the time. He is a mover and a shaker with 4 teeth. He does crawl - it just isn't a typical crawl. I would say more of a slither across the floor. He never really gets upright on his hands and knees. He does get into that position and rocks a lot, but then plops down on his belly to pull himself from one side of the room to another. He does love to stand and I really feel that he will be a walker, not a crawler. He finally began eating in a high chair in restaurants when we were in Disney World, he had his first taste of Cheerios yesterday, and today he was standing in his crib when my DH went in this morning. **sniff, sniff**

Anyways...... I am considering finding a part-time job in the evenings. I really want to go back to work, especially next school year, but I am really disappointed by the outcomes of the daycares. I am also very concerned about what job opportunities may be out there. I do not want to find myself in another position where I am just miserable and my kids are miserable in their schools. It just isn't worth it. So I may be changing my mind yet again for another year and staying home. Thus, the desire to look for something else in the evenings. I am in desperate need for adult contact, and not just those that I have over the phone for my husband's business. Plus I really just want that extra money to go into savings. I don't need the money - I just want it. I would feel more secure about things if it was there.

For those who have been asking - Disney World was amazing as always. We are looking at going back - Jeff thinks sooner than I. We have friends that are looking at going in December, 2010. I was wanting to go again in the next 4-5 years when Ry-Ry is old enough to enjoy the rides. JT was a little more timid about things. He has such an over-active mind that it went into overdrive on things. He would get himself worked up whenever we were waiting in lines for rides, that he would freak himself out. Not to mention the fact that he had to go potty every time we got into a line for a ride, even if he went to the bathroom right before we got into the line. KD loved everything, wanted to do everything, and was really pissed off when she found out she was too short to ride Space Mountain. Next time, baby girl. She did go on the "Haunted Mansion" ride with me. I love her fortitude. She was so curious as to why the house looked the way it did, and why the guy's picture in the attic had his head, then didn't, then did, then didn't, etc. She understood that things were not "real," and really was wrapped up in the presentation of things. Ry-Ry loved the attention he received from the characters. We also got a better look at his preferences for girls. We always knew he was a very big flirt. He is just a friendly baby, no matter what. But, he sure did love the Disney Princesses. He would smile at the blondes, want to touch the brunettes, and he LOVED Mulan. He would not even look at the camera when Mulan was around. He would only look at her and stroke her face. We went to only 3 of the parks - skipping Animal Kingdom this time. If we had only 3 more days, we would have definitely made it to that park and done a lot more. The food was not as wonderful as we remembered it from 8 years ago, but still good. We must also be spoiled since eating at Craftsteak in Vegas. My son's favorite food was Teppan Edo (Japanese in Epcot), and my daughter's was Mexican (also Epcot). I preferred the breakfasts - especially Cinderella's Royal Table and the Princess Storybook Breakfast in Norway in Epcot. My favorite ride is still Rockin' Rollercoaster featuring Aerosmith - although Space Mountain is a classic. I remember riding that so much when I was younger.

Well........ my DH is wanting his laptop and I guess I should get back to my wine and Oscar watching. This just makes me want to go to the movies again. It has been too long since my last GNO.

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