Monday, February 23, 2009


Have you ever driven around town doing errands, or what-not, and thought to yourself, "What do all of these people do for a living?" I'm finding myself doing this more and more of late. Maybe because I am one of these people driving around on a Monday afternoon when students are in school, and you would presume their parents are at work. But as I drive by mall at 10:30am and find the parking lot rather full. Not to mention that Target always seems to be busy, no matter what the time of day is - I am wondering where all of the cars are coming from and what are all of these people doing to afford to run around during the day? Now I know, I am driving around a town where there is a university and a lot of these cars may belong to college students avoiding their classes and/or dorm rooms, but not every one of these cars belongs to a young person, or even to a retired one. There are people of different ages, genders, and cultural backgrounds driving around doing "their business" for the day - so again my question arises, "what do they do for a living?"

1 comment:

Melessa Gregg said...

The Mall at 10:30 a.m. is full of mall walkers (I used to be one). It was a pretty even split of at-home moms and retired people.

Back when the kids were little and did half-day stuff, it was often me scrambling to grocery shop or have some personal shopping time before I had to pick up someone from pre-school or Pre-K.