Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My new beginning .... or total ending???

Okay....... so my friend has had a blog for quite some time (check out www.greggdigressions.blogspot.com) and I have always envied her for her wonderful witicism, imagery, and everything. I want to be just like her in being able to blog about my life, but I find myself sorely lacking. For one, I find myself never near a computer whenever my "creativeness" overcomes me. Secondly, writing really is my worse nemesis in my so-called creative life. I fear that you, who are reading this, cannot hear the true tone of my voice in my words. Can you really understand the meanings I am trying to put behind things - or are they being misconstrued? Do you wonder - what do I look like? How do I truely sound? What am I wearing?

I do have a wicked sense of humor - must be why my DH loves me so much! But if you do not know me - you may not understand the meanings behind some of my words. Although blogging is hopefully going to be a new beginning in sharing my thoughts and views to my friends and family - to those who are just reading about me, you are going to be wondering - what is she wearing? I can hear my family and most of my friends thinking, "Ew!" Some friends are thinking "Ha, Ha!" The rest are going, "Hmmmm" I guess I will have to leave my profile pic off for a little while, so that I will let your imaginations roam.

1 comment:

Melessa Gregg said...

My best entries are the ones I compose mentally while driving or waiting in line. But sometimes I write something I like on the blog too. It's very hit or miss. You'll do just fine!