Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ouch my rear end!

Well, my worst fear has finally happened. I have been in a car wreck with my children. Yes - we are okay. Today has not gone as planned anyways, so this just adds to my crankiness.

First, I'm running late getting Kady to her preschool. Jarod and Kadence didn't wake up until 8:15am (yeah - quiet time for me!), but trying to get them showered, dressed, and fed in 1 hour, while feeding the baby, making Kady's lunch, and getting myself ready is a challenge. I did it with only being 2 minutes late to her school. However, Jarod didn't have shoes on because he couldn't find them and I wasn't waiting around any longer.

Then Jeff calls while I am driving the kids. He needs to me to come to the shop for a little bit to help him with something. What I helped him with, I don't know. The filing could have waited until tomorrow when I usually go in. I guess he just wanted company as he was paying his monthly bills for the business. So 1 1/2 hours later and a very bored Jarod, we head home to get him lunch and shoes.

This is where the shit really hits the fan. I decided since it was 11am, I would take him to McDonald's for lunch since he was good at his Daddy's shop and was very bored the whole time he waited on us. I was facing south on Ed Noble Parkway, as far to the left as I could go, with my turn signal on and getting ready to go forward when - WHAM!!! I was rear-ended. I have never flown out of my car so fast to check on the kids in the back. Both boys were crying and very shaken. But thankfully - okay.

We pull forward and park near the McDonald's. I page Jeff to come meet me and I hand the guy my insurance card. I cannot even speak to him because I am in such shock from everything. I have been thinking for the past several days to watch out more because I don't want to be in a wreck with the kids. I guess my premonition finally caught me.

I guess I can say that thankfully, I got hit by a guy in a company car - so I know he is covered. What sucks is trying to wait around for the claims specilist for the company to contact me so that I can get my van in, get a loaner, and get new car seats. Our insurance agent (and Jeff's father - retired fireman - also confirmed), that anytime there is a wreck and you have car seats, you need to replace them because it voids their warranty.

Jeff scored in that he got out of having to do any plumbing today which had put him in a sour mood this morning. Jarod got out of having to go to school because it was almost noon when we left McDonald's (and he still didn't have on any shoes). I am worried some about him because he went and laid down and took a nap on his own! My child has not had a nap where he volunteered to lay down since he was 3 years old. Usually he goes down kicking and screaming. I guess the stress of the wreck has really worn him out because he is sawing some heavy logs and I do not wish to disturb him. Ryland's schedule is messed up and he is a cranky boy now too. Thank goodness I didn't have my little princess with me - or she would have been in hysterics and I don't know if I could have handled all 3 of my babies in a car wreck.

Pray things get better today - I am so needing it!


Melessa Gregg said...

Thank goodness everyone is OK! How scary! But seriously, be grateful he had insurance. Still, what I huge pain. I'm so sorry this happend to you.

Lanie said...

I'm thankful that everyone is fine, but I know what a pain it is to have to deal with getting your car fixed after a wreck... rewind my life about 4 years ago in the sorority parking lot and I wasn't even in my car!! I hope you have a better day tomorrow!!