Sunday, October 26, 2008

Will see ya later.......

I haven't had time to blog much lately, and I really do not have time tonight. I will say that I had a blast at Kayne's fashion sh0w. It has even inspired me to get some much needed knitting done. It makes me want to bust out my creative side and actually get some things accomplished, which I haven't felt like doing for the past 4 months. Maybe I can get some doggie sweaters made for my Dad and Stepmom's pooches in time for X-mas? Hmmmm............

I had a wonderful time last Friday at the Fashion show and YES, I got a picture with Kayne! He is so adorable in person too. I also fell in LOVE with some of his shoes. Hopefully I can snag a pair for X-Mas. I did get a coupon to get one of his 2008 dresses for 50% off, so I am hoping to have a chance to browse his store in the coming weeks. Not that I would have a reason to wear any of his creations, but I do have a 14-year old niece that is in Rainbows!!!

Okay, enough gushing. I have reality setting in of laundry to do and crying baby to tend to. But as soon as I upload some pictures, I will have them posted from the event.

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