Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Finally Kayne!

Okay, I am FINALLY able to write about Kayne and his Kayne9 collection and evening wear fashion show that I attended several weeks ago. Pictures included! I have found myself extremely busy lately, and I cannot fathom from what. Except for the fact that my baby is growing so fast and now is demanding personal playtime, not just cuddles anymore.

Anyways........ on to the good stuff. I was really wondering how much I would enjoy seeing a doggie clothing line, but how everything was presented, the champagne, the lighting, the gift bags on your chair - you couldn't help but feel special and delighted at the night's events. Not to mention that Kayne has a beautiful evening gown line - a couple I would yearn to wear myself, but somehow prancing around in a pretty dress in my bedroom wouldn't do the gowns justice (although my DH would enjoy the show, especially with the little black number). Kayne is really an adorable guy in person. He is charming, friendly, and makes you smile to be around him. It was such a pleasure getting to me such a wonderful man.
Seeing such creativity on display got my fingers itching to do something as well. I haven't picked up my knitting needles in so long, and this event has just brought back my previous desire when I started knitting last year and created backpacks for my husband's nieces, as well as hats for myself and my kids when we went snow skiing last March. I have had a desire for a long time to do some knitting for dogs, since my dad and step-mom have a little terrier and now a little poodle, which my step-mom likes to dress. I also want to do baby shoes, but those always seem cuter on little girls. My daughter with her huge size 10 toddler feet do not inspire me to create anything but maybe a pair of slippers for her. Now if I can just discipline myself to sit down, get my creative juices going, and actually produce some decent crafts, maybe I could do a little entrepreneurship on the side. Hmmmm
Although my first item would be a gift to Kayne and his little girl, Tiara, as a thank you for letting me attend the event. I'm thinking either a felted collar with imitation pearls, or a sassy sweater. Now where are those needles again???

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