Monday, March 2, 2009

Thanks for the Memories.........

This post is in celebration of my 8-year wedding anniversary, which is tomorrow. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HONEY! LOVE YA! **kiss**

Okay - now that I have everyone gagging over my mushiness, on to the details about our weekend. Since the actual day is on a Tuesday this year, my dear mom and step-dad took our kids Saturday night until we met up with them on Sunday for lunch. So, when you have 19-kid-free-hours, what are you to do???

I'm not giving you those details, but we did have a night of memories: 1) wardrobe malfunction, 2) dinner out with friends, 3) dancing at Groovy's (and me in my 5-inch heels kicked it up pretty damn good, 4) drinks at Louis' on the Lake, 5) home

You are still thinking - wardrobe malfunction? How is that memorable? Well, let's just say that if I didn't have a tank underneath my shirt, it would have been like a Janet Jackson half-time show (only I had on a new kick-ass bra, not pasties). Yes, my shirt ripped. I just bought it that afternoon and told the girl I was concerned that it was a little snug across the top, but everything else fit perfectly, so she talked me into it. I even bought a new necklace to go with it. I was stylin' and profilin' when my DH picked me up at the mall from having a quick mani-pedi. As I went to buckle my seat belt, I glanced down and saw it - or really what was left of it as the top split in the middle along a seam. We made a mad dash to the store I bought the shirt from (3 minutes before they closed), found another shirt, another tank, new earrings and necklace to match and were finally on our way to Bricktown for our dinner reservations with only 17 minutes to get there from Norman. We made it on time too. Yes, this is my husband driving. Thankfully the girl at the store was able to switch out my torn shirt and tank for the new ones, and we were only out the cost of the new jewelry.

Dinner was at The Mantel with 2 other couples: Lanie & Dirk; Christina & Sean. My DH surprised me with having had delivered 2-dozen long-stemmed red roses and a love note. The display was already waiting for us at our table. After I tucked the card into my purse, the waitress took my roses to rest in their chiller while we ate. After dinner, they were waiting by the front door for us. What service! The food was really delicious and I really want to go back again to try something else off their menu. There were so many appetizing selections, it was very difficult to choose just one.

After dinner, I tucked myself into the suburban to use my breast pump (Aah.... the joys of a mom with a baby), while the rest of the crew went to check out a club. Finding no table to sit at, they got their cover charges returned, and we went to Groovy's off of NW Expressway. We were finally able to get inside after a wait (and it was only 10:00 pm), and had a good time dancing. Well - really it was only us 3 girls dancing. And yes - I did have on 5-inch heels. We left close to midnight, as we were tired of getting over-crowded on the tiny dance floor (and I was afraid I was going to get knocked over in my heels), and we headed to Louis' on the Lake for drinks. I had a couple of martinis, then we finally headed home.

If you know me really well, you would be surprised to learn that I made it well past my pumpkin hour! We made it home after 1:30am. I won't tell you what time we finally made it to bed, but of course, I was up at 9am the next day pumping again.

Thanks for the memories of a great weekend and wedding anniversary celebration. I had a blast - wardrobe malfunction and all!

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