Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I was playing some catch-up reading on my google reader, when I saw a post by my girlfriend. I so wanted to comment on her blog, but seeing as it is a week past posting it was just too lame. So I am doing a double post tonight (since I do not know when I will get the chance again).

Here is the link to her original post.

My oldest child, after hearing the same speech before entering any store, has tried using this line on me many a time.
JT: Mom, I want (insert-any-annoying-uselesss-item-for-kids-here)!
ME: No, JT. I have already said that we are only getting (name-off-items-from-list) and nothing else.
JT: It isn't too big to fit in the cart!
ME: I don't have the money for it.
JT: Then just use your card-thingy! You always have money on that!

Oh the sweet, naive mind of babes........ money just comes from plastic!


Anonymous said...

Too bad that there are too many grown-ups that think the money on the card thingy is always good too.

Wendles said...

Jarod is now getting awareness that just because you have plastic, it does not mean you have money. It has been a great lesson that he received gift cards for his birthday. He knows his numbers and had to find a toy within the amount of the gift card. He was able to keep the cards as souveniers, but now he knows that the money is spent. He may have plastic, but he can't buy anything with it.