Friday, January 9, 2009

Fun Times Meme - from my step-mom

I got the following activity in an e-mail from my step-mom, so I thought I would share it with you and my responses on my blog. Feel free to do it yourself and pass it along.

Five names you go by
1. Mommy
2. Wendy
3. Mrs. Fugate
4. Wendles
5. Wendy King (some people still call me this - and I still respond)

Three (3) things you are wearing right now
1. wedding ring
2. tank top
3. panties
(Whew! Good thing they didn't ask for 4 things!)

Two Things you want badly
1. Financial freedom (who doesn't want this!)
2. For my family and friends to all be healthy and happy this year

Two people who will probably fill this out:
1. Don't know
2. Since I have done it through my blog
(hee hee - I cheated!)

Two things you did last night
1. Took JT and KD to basketball practice last night (there is a blog about that soon)
2. Drank a chocolate cherry martini while watching OU play football

Two things you ate today
1. Uh.... Sonic hamburger without onions
2. Sonic peppermint
(I know, I know - I need to eat, but like my previous blog said I am disappointed in food right now)

Two people you last talked to on the phone
1. Jeff - my DH
2. Micah - a builder

Two things you are going to do tomorrow
1. JT's basketball game
2. KD's birthday party

Three longest car rides that you can remember
1. From Keystone, CO to Norman, OK via a side trip through New Mexico and getting snowed in on the interstate - it took us 24 hours and 2 minutes to get home (but I didn't want to kill my boyfriend then - so it must be a good thing since he is my hubby now!)
2. Bus ride from OKC, OK to Crested Butte, CO - that is because the bus broke down in the middle of the night and we were off to the side of the road for an additional 3 hours without heat
3. Driving from Norman, OK to Roswell, NM as a kid every other summer. Everything takes longer when you are younger.

Two of your favorite beverages
1. My hubbies martini creations for me
2. Water

Now, here's what you're supposed to do .... And please do not spoil the fun. Hit forward, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the Person who sent it to you. Have Fun!

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