Friday, January 9, 2009

My baby is growing too fast!

Ry-Ry is just growing up too fast! I have been holding myself back from trying to force him into things, as I am trying to enjoy the infancy of my son that I missed with my other two. But dang it - he won't cooperate and stop developing! (Hands-on-fist-stomping-foot-mood)

I left him for 4 days last week and when I come home, all sorts of stuff start happening. On Christmas day, he started cutting his first tooth. So I didn't mind so much having to leave him with this beginning milestone, as I didn't mind missing those wet poo-poos from his teething action. Yet, I come home and what does he do - he starts holding his bottle and feeding himself, rolling onto his knees and rocking back and forth trying to crawl (although he is dang good at rolling himself across the floor or pulling himself around in different directions by his arms), trying to stand up when I hold him, and is now cutting his second tooth.

Just what in tar-nation did those other grandparents do to him to make him grow up so much! The excitement is going to come next month when we take him to Disney World. I didn't want him to be wanting to walk at that time, but I have a strong fear that he sure will like to try.

Of course, things are not helping me too much when on our return flight home, my DH sees another little girl on our plane and states that he would really like to have another girl. I DON'T THINK SO! I had to remind him that the lack of sleep and the few nights away from our daughter has addled his brain and after 1 night home with her I am sure he will change his mind. I hope it has changed since we have been back this week. My baby girl is going to be 4 on Monday, and she is all the girly-girl I can handle. I feel for my friend Jessica, who just gave birth to her 3rd girl today. I do wish her CONGRATULATIONS! but I do not know how she is able to manage her little girlies as it is. My one is enough and I am done.

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