Saturday, November 29, 2008

Beginning of the season

After yesterday's events (Wal-Mart stampede causing an employee's death; and Toys R Us shooting causing 2 more)- my shopping buzz that has been programmed into me for the holiday season has really hit a downer. I can understand the thrill of the chase, and the retail therapy high that is achieved when you feel as if you have scored a deal while buying the "perfect" gift for someone. However, when it comes to such savage acts to achieve ones goals - the thrill of the victory is cut short. This is one of the few reasons why I start my holiday shopping early, and also why I choose not to do the before-the-break-of-dawn-black-Friday-shop-a-thons.

I don't like to feel disappointed. I hate the feeling of going to a store, wiggling my way through the crowds, finding the item I want - only to not find the right size and the sale is now over. That just frustrates and exhausts me. This has happened to me before, thus I choose not to over-stress myself anymore and I choose to avoid the Friday shopping frenzy.

I have found the cure for my need for retail therapy following Thanksgiving, however. To curb my desire to shop and spend money, I have found the best places to spend is at the hairdresser's and grocery store! Yesterday I spent almost 2 hours getting cut and colored. I was only 1 of 2 customers during this time. Last night, we hit the grocery store after dinner. There were only about 5 cars total in the lot. I got to spend money and achieve satisfaction stress-free.

Now the stress is going to resume today as we prepare to head up to Stillwater for the final game of the season - BEDLAM! Time to pack up the younger two for Aunt Kelly's house, don my silky long johns, and bring a warm blanket for snuggling in. My nose and toes will be cold, but I'm sure the fever of the game will keep me going. Go OU! and go OSU too!!!

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