Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Slow to respond... but catching on.

Okay - so my friend tagged me last Thursday to do a book meme response, but I have failed miserably. The first challenge was to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL! However, the only books I have had near me at the time were children's board books. They generally do not go past page 8. So today I decided I had a quick chance to play. I have reached into my cabinet in the hallway that acts as my bookshelf, and the first thing I grabbed is the Life Application Bible for Students. This book was my DH's from his college days (must have been before his pre-partying time where he damaged school property and was suspended from OSU - but that is another story and one he really should tell). So here is what I have....

We promise to do something, be somewhere, or give something. And when others make promises to us, we expect them to keep their word. If not we become angry, disappointed, and even heartbroken. The book of Exodus is all about promises: God's promises to his people.

I was tagged to do another book meme, but there is no way I have time, nor the intellectual acuity to even attempt this one right now. If you want to know what it is, just check out

On another note. Tomorrow is Turkey day. I'll be stuffing myself into some clothes to further stuff myself on food at my sister's house. My DH is actually going to make it to this one. I wonder if it will be his last? I'm headed over to my mom's today to have her help me prep food for our feast. Thanksgiving has never been the same since being married and having to go elsewhere, rather than at my mom's. Thank goodness she is still around to help make her pie crusts and dressing.

Saturday is the big Bedlam bash. I am still in a rut about what to wear. I know, it is a football game - not a fashion contest. However, when you have 2 degrees from one school, but go to the other's football games seasonally, you get into a conundrum about which colors to sport. Maybe I should just blow everything out of the water and wear pink. Not that I own any - but wouldn't that be a site on TV! Yes - you will probably catch glimpses of us whenever they show OU's sidelines. We are on the west 40 mark - right behind the wall.

Time to shower the kids, myself (yes - I do bathe regularly - so you don't have to comment about that), and gather up the goodies for my mom's house. In a sad way, I am ready for Thanksgiving to be over and for Christmas to be here already. But HAPPY STUFFING to all of you, anyways!

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