Thursday, November 20, 2008

Crappy Crud

cough, cough, cough

I love my children

cough, cough

And I know they love me too. They love me so much that they share their crud with me. KD had sinusitis last week - antibiotics and back and running in no time. JT ran a fever for 3 days, still has an occasional cough, but that is primarily just because of his asthma. Yet his appetite and energy level never altered much - just took a short nap every day. Ry-Ry was diagnosed with moderate-to-severe croup and had to be placed on steroids. The poor thing was so hoarse from a swollen larynx that when he tried to cry - no sound came out.

My larynx is experiencing the same problems, so I sound froggy (but not in a good way). Last night, I almost lost my voice completely. I have never lost my voice for any reason. Even as a teenager when you try screaming and yelling as long and as loud as you can at a sporting event - mine would never be affected. Not so now.

My DH made a doctor's appointment for me today. One of his workers has the flu and with all of us getting sick all at once, he was concerned that he brought the flu-bug home and I got it. No luck. I know - who wants the flu? But at least then I would be prescribed something. Instead I was told today that since I am breastfeeding, I just have to tough it out. Get sleep, take Tylenol or Motrin, maybe some throat lozenges if they seem to help, and you should be better in 1-2 weeks.

I will be one crappy-pissed-off-momma though if this cold crud holds me back from my Girl's Night Out this Sunday. cough, cough But at least I love my girlfriends enough that I do not want to be sharing it with them.

P.S. As I was reviewing my spelling - I realized I had typed the word "couch" instead of "cough" a couple of times. I know a sign when I see one. Now where is my blanket???

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