Thursday, November 6, 2008

Partial Part-Time Cleaner Needed

I have decided that there is a strong need in today's society for partial, part-time cleaners. Why this has not already been marketed is beyond me. I mean, really - I can take care of my house. It may take me twice as long as my old home, since it is twice the size, but it is still manageable. I am also capable of doing everything necessary to ensure that my home is habitable for my family. Dishes and laundry are a daily bore - I mean chore, but this is accomplished with little grumbling (with maybe a beer or two). However, if there was ever a need in my household, it would be simply that I am in need of a partial, part-time cleaner.

I need someone to clean my bathrooms and tile floor every week, maybe even every 2 weeks. That's it. Nothing more. Only a partial house cleaning, on a part-time basis. I really do not mind dusting or vacuuming. My children even like helping with these tasks. But I HATE sweeping and mopping the tile in my house and scrubbing the dirty toilets. No amount of martinis make these tasks any easier either. I know, I have children you say. I have trained them to scrub the toilets too, you say. But, I just really dislike these tasks and it takes all of my efforts to even get the supplies out and ready for cleaning.

It doesn't help my plight that we went from 2 toilets to 4, nor the fact that there is a huge amount of tile in my entryway, kitchen, halls, utility and storage room, and bathrooms. So, if anyone knows of a good, reliable, partial, part-time cleaner - PLEASE give them my name and number.

Hey - if my husband can have a guy mow his lawn, so that he can play golf every weekend. Then I think I can afford this luxury too (especially since mowing season is over)!

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