I feel as if I am in a whirlwind and I am trying to figure out where I am. As it takes me 5 attempts to just correctly type this first sentence, I know I need to slow down, strip down, and soak in the tub. Alas, I can't find the time. Time seems to be quickly ticking down this holiday season and I am not finding myself able to actually succeed at accomplishing anything.
I did get the chance to enjoy myself last weekend when my DH took me to Tulsa for my Christmas present. We stayed downtown at the Crowne Plaza, only 2 blocks away from the BOK Center where we were to see Cirque Du Soleil. We had a magnificent dinner at Fleming's in Utica Square. And I had an extremely inebriated evening as I imbibed too heavily. I am not sure if the over-intoxication was more in a celebratory fashion as this is the first night I have spent (especially since Ry-Ry was born) without children in a very long time, or if I was trying to keep my mind so fuddled that I would not care that this was my first night away from my children in almost 6 months, plus the fact that this was the first time that my children had ever spent the night with the In-Laws without their parents present. Either way, a half-bottle of wine, a watered down margarita, and 3 martinis later - I slept somewhat peacefully until I had to get up again at 8am to pump-and-dump my alcoholic supply of breastmilk. It was truly a glorious evening though and I am so happy that my DH made all of the arrangements. For the performance, our seats were in the second row on the floor. I just loved being so close to the action to see all of the details. They were incredible.
Now I am looking at having to try to get my Christmas cards in the mail, finish gifts for this Friday evening, get snacks for my son's class on Wednesday and Friday, buy gifts for the 3 kids we adopted off a tree at a store, and get everything else wrapped up by this weekend, so that I can try to enjoy the time with my kids. Oh, yeah, and still find care for my kids when my DH and I head out the end of the month for the OSU Holiday Bowl. Two weeks left, and still nothing set in stone. That makes me a little too anxious as my days keep coming to a quick close.
Well, time to get fancied up for my sorority alumni party this evening. Hopefully connections will be made and holiday cheer will be spread as I find myself being whipped around in every-which-direction this year.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Time to hibernate
I really have a strong desire to follow my baby's lead and "hibernate" this chilly morning. The sound of the rain and thunder last night was so soothing and relaxing to me as I soaked my stress away in a tub of hot "Mexico." (see previous posts for further explanation) A white chocolate martini and a good book in hand and I was soon ready for La-La-Land.
Then this morning, it is chilly and windy and makes me want to curl up under my fleecy blanket and hibernate the morning and afternoon away. Ry-Ry did just this. He woke up long enough to play for a little while as I fixed breakfast for the older two. He was quite content to roll around in his crib under his blanket, then have a diaper change and a nice warm bottle. He barely finished eating and went right back to sleep where he rolled to his side and curled up under his blankets again as I laid him in his crib. Oh to be so small and get to enjoy those glorious, warm, mom-is-so-envious moments.
I guess I will just have to enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa, a blanket, and a little quiet reading time this afternoon after I drop big brother off for Pre-K this afternoon. My to-do-list can be "do-ed" (as KD says it) after I pick the kids up from school. There is something good about being a stay-at-home-mommy sometimes.
Then this morning, it is chilly and windy and makes me want to curl up under my fleecy blanket and hibernate the morning and afternoon away. Ry-Ry did just this. He woke up long enough to play for a little while as I fixed breakfast for the older two. He was quite content to roll around in his crib under his blanket, then have a diaper change and a nice warm bottle. He barely finished eating and went right back to sleep where he rolled to his side and curled up under his blankets again as I laid him in his crib. Oh to be so small and get to enjoy those glorious, warm, mom-is-so-envious moments.
I guess I will just have to enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa, a blanket, and a little quiet reading time this afternoon after I drop big brother off for Pre-K this afternoon. My to-do-list can be "do-ed" (as KD says it) after I pick the kids up from school. There is something good about being a stay-at-home-mommy sometimes.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Dear Hubby....... here's your clue
I love my DH. He is sometimes so clueless.... or maybe it is becaues he is so busy with his business and having to be direct all of the time, that just laying items out as a hint for X-mas doesn't work for him.
Case-in-point. This week we got a flyer for the triple-B store. Since I like to play "Mexico" when soaking in our tub (pretending I'm soaking in the ocean, drinking my cocktail, reading a good book and relaxing - while actually looking at a picture of a Mexican beach) , I turned the flyer to the bath tray that extends over the tub, holds the book, the wine, etc. My DH just looks at it and asks if there was anything good in the flyer. My response.... "Duh!"
Although for Christmas, he is taking me to Tulsa to see "Saltimbanco" performed by Cirque du Soleil next Friday night. We are staying the night in a hotel and our kids will be staying with his parents in Bartlesville. My first night away from the baby. But in order to get this "present," I had to forward an e-mail about the ticket information with the text - FOR ME FOR CHRISTMAS.
I guess the only complaint is that it takes the romanticism out of him doing something for me - without me having to lay out so many hints or be so direct. But I have already resigned myself to stop trying to surprise him, as he always guesses what his presents are from me or his family before he even opens them. He rather be direct - get what he wants when he wants - and not have to wait for some silly holiday. So I handed over the form for bowl tickets requests and said, "Merry Christmas - now go fax this from your work."
Case-in-point. This week we got a flyer for the triple-B store. Since I like to play "Mexico" when soaking in our tub (pretending I'm soaking in the ocean, drinking my cocktail, reading a good book and relaxing - while actually looking at a picture of a Mexican beach) , I turned the flyer to the bath tray that extends over the tub, holds the book, the wine, etc. My DH just looks at it and asks if there was anything good in the flyer. My response.... "Duh!"
Although for Christmas, he is taking me to Tulsa to see "Saltimbanco" performed by Cirque du Soleil next Friday night. We are staying the night in a hotel and our kids will be staying with his parents in Bartlesville. My first night away from the baby. But in order to get this "present," I had to forward an e-mail about the ticket information with the text - FOR ME FOR CHRISTMAS.
I guess the only complaint is that it takes the romanticism out of him doing something for me - without me having to lay out so many hints or be so direct. But I have already resigned myself to stop trying to surprise him, as he always guesses what his presents are from me or his family before he even opens them. He rather be direct - get what he wants when he wants - and not have to wait for some silly holiday. So I handed over the form for bowl tickets requests and said, "Merry Christmas - now go fax this from your work."
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Morning Muffs for Mommies (and Daddies too)

an old pic of JT and KD; Ry-Ry
Why is it that upon awakening in the morning, the volume of my darling children's voices has increased 20 times from the previous evening? Could it be a physical condition on my children's part, or on my own?
I feel as if my children are yelling at the top of their lungs for a good 15 minutes every morning until my constant nagging and shushing helps their brain to return to a more normal volume.
Or could it be that I have not acquired enough caffeine consumption early enough in the morning in order for my brain to process the constant chatter, singing, arguing, and what-not from my little darlings?
Until this quandary is solved, I really feel as if their needs to be morning muffs for mommies. Daddies can wear these as well - although our daddy is already long gone before the children arise. These muffs would be soft, easy-to-wear, and almost completely block out the noises of my children until either their brains tune in that they are speaking in abnormally loud tones, or I have consumed enough coffee to handle all of their chittering-and-chattering. That would be sometime close to noon.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Beginning of the season
After yesterday's events (Wal-Mart stampede causing an employee's death; and Toys R Us shooting causing 2 more)- my shopping buzz that has been programmed into me for the holiday season has really hit a downer. I can understand the thrill of the chase, and the retail therapy high that is achieved when you feel as if you have scored a deal while buying the "perfect" gift for someone. However, when it comes to such savage acts to achieve ones goals - the thrill of the victory is cut short. This is one of the few reasons why I start my holiday shopping early, and also why I choose not to do the before-the-break-of-dawn-black-Friday-shop-a-thons.
I don't like to feel disappointed. I hate the feeling of going to a store, wiggling my way through the crowds, finding the item I want - only to not find the right size and the sale is now over. That just frustrates and exhausts me. This has happened to me before, thus I choose not to over-stress myself anymore and I choose to avoid the Friday shopping frenzy.
I have found the cure for my need for retail therapy following Thanksgiving, however. To curb my desire to shop and spend money, I have found the best places to spend is at the hairdresser's and grocery store! Yesterday I spent almost 2 hours getting cut and colored. I was only 1 of 2 customers during this time. Last night, we hit the grocery store after dinner. There were only about 5 cars total in the lot. I got to spend money and achieve satisfaction stress-free.
Now the stress is going to resume today as we prepare to head up to Stillwater for the final game of the season - BEDLAM! Time to pack up the younger two for Aunt Kelly's house, don my silky long johns, and bring a warm blanket for snuggling in. My nose and toes will be cold, but I'm sure the fever of the game will keep me going. Go OU! and go OSU too!!!
I don't like to feel disappointed. I hate the feeling of going to a store, wiggling my way through the crowds, finding the item I want - only to not find the right size and the sale is now over. That just frustrates and exhausts me. This has happened to me before, thus I choose not to over-stress myself anymore and I choose to avoid the Friday shopping frenzy.
I have found the cure for my need for retail therapy following Thanksgiving, however. To curb my desire to shop and spend money, I have found the best places to spend is at the hairdresser's and grocery store! Yesterday I spent almost 2 hours getting cut and colored. I was only 1 of 2 customers during this time. Last night, we hit the grocery store after dinner. There were only about 5 cars total in the lot. I got to spend money and achieve satisfaction stress-free.
Now the stress is going to resume today as we prepare to head up to Stillwater for the final game of the season - BEDLAM! Time to pack up the younger two for Aunt Kelly's house, don my silky long johns, and bring a warm blanket for snuggling in. My nose and toes will be cold, but I'm sure the fever of the game will keep me going. Go OU! and go OSU too!!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I am thankful
I am thankful for my family and friends.
I am thankful for meeting my DH 10 years ago (on the 14th of this month in fact - he remembered, I had forgotten).
I am thankful that we have been blessed with 3 beautiful children (and the older 2 having the ability to whine and argue with each other).
I am thankful we have a wonderful house (even if it takes me 5-6 hours to clean it), cars to drive, food in the refrigerators and freezers (yes - plural here).
I am thankful that my DH has created a business that is able to provide for his family, allowing me the time to take off from teaching to be at home for our children.
I am really thankful that my family (especially my Mom and Step-dad) are so supportive of us. Basically without Mom and Bryan - I would have a very hard time handling my family of 3 and our crazy schedules.
I am also very thankful for my friends. Even though we do not get to see each other often, or even really get a chance to converse either on the phone or through e-mail, just getting a little forwarded mail or a poke on facebook lets me know that I have been thought of by you.
So on this day - my wish for you is that you and your families be blessed, stuffed, and thanked today and always during this holiday season.
I am thankful for meeting my DH 10 years ago (on the 14th of this month in fact - he remembered, I had forgotten).
I am thankful that we have been blessed with 3 beautiful children (and the older 2 having the ability to whine and argue with each other).
I am thankful we have a wonderful house (even if it takes me 5-6 hours to clean it), cars to drive, food in the refrigerators and freezers (yes - plural here).
I am thankful that my DH has created a business that is able to provide for his family, allowing me the time to take off from teaching to be at home for our children.
I am really thankful that my family (especially my Mom and Step-dad) are so supportive of us. Basically without Mom and Bryan - I would have a very hard time handling my family of 3 and our crazy schedules.
I am also very thankful for my friends. Even though we do not get to see each other often, or even really get a chance to converse either on the phone or through e-mail, just getting a little forwarded mail or a poke on facebook lets me know that I have been thought of by you.
So on this day - my wish for you is that you and your families be blessed, stuffed, and thanked today and always during this holiday season.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Slow to respond... but catching on.
Okay - so my friend tagged me last Thursday to do a book meme response, but I have failed miserably. The first challenge was to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL! However, the only books I have had near me at the time were children's board books. They generally do not go past page 8. So today I decided I had a quick chance to play. I have reached into my cabinet in the hallway that acts as my bookshelf, and the first thing I grabbed is the Life Application Bible for Students. This book was my DH's from his college days (must have been before his pre-partying time where he damaged school property and was suspended from OSU - but that is another story and one he really should tell). So here is what I have....
We promise to do something, be somewhere, or give something. And when others make promises to us, we expect them to keep their word. If not we become angry, disappointed, and even heartbroken. The book of Exodus is all about promises: God's promises to his people.
I was tagged to do another book meme, but there is no way I have time, nor the intellectual acuity to even attempt this one right now. If you want to know what it is, just check out http://greggdigressions.blogspot.com/2008/11/two-book-memes-and-partridge-in-aoh.html
On another note. Tomorrow is Turkey day. I'll be stuffing myself into some clothes to further stuff myself on food at my sister's house. My DH is actually going to make it to this one. I wonder if it will be his last? I'm headed over to my mom's today to have her help me prep food for our feast. Thanksgiving has never been the same since being married and having to go elsewhere, rather than at my mom's. Thank goodness she is still around to help make her pie crusts and dressing.
Saturday is the big Bedlam bash. I am still in a rut about what to wear. I know, it is a football game - not a fashion contest. However, when you have 2 degrees from one school, but go to the other's football games seasonally, you get into a conundrum about which colors to sport. Maybe I should just blow everything out of the water and wear pink. Not that I own any - but wouldn't that be a site on TV! Yes - you will probably catch glimpses of us whenever they show OU's sidelines. We are on the west 40 mark - right behind the wall.
Time to shower the kids, myself (yes - I do bathe regularly - so you don't have to comment about that), and gather up the goodies for my mom's house. In a sad way, I am ready for Thanksgiving to be over and for Christmas to be here already. But HAPPY STUFFING to all of you, anyways!
We promise to do something, be somewhere, or give something. And when others make promises to us, we expect them to keep their word. If not we become angry, disappointed, and even heartbroken. The book of Exodus is all about promises: God's promises to his people.
I was tagged to do another book meme, but there is no way I have time, nor the intellectual acuity to even attempt this one right now. If you want to know what it is, just check out http://greggdigressions.blogspot.com/2008/11/two-book-memes-and-partridge-in-aoh.html
On another note. Tomorrow is Turkey day. I'll be stuffing myself into some clothes to further stuff myself on food at my sister's house. My DH is actually going to make it to this one. I wonder if it will be his last? I'm headed over to my mom's today to have her help me prep food for our feast. Thanksgiving has never been the same since being married and having to go elsewhere, rather than at my mom's. Thank goodness she is still around to help make her pie crusts and dressing.
Saturday is the big Bedlam bash. I am still in a rut about what to wear. I know, it is a football game - not a fashion contest. However, when you have 2 degrees from one school, but go to the other's football games seasonally, you get into a conundrum about which colors to sport. Maybe I should just blow everything out of the water and wear pink. Not that I own any - but wouldn't that be a site on TV! Yes - you will probably catch glimpses of us whenever they show OU's sidelines. We are on the west 40 mark - right behind the wall.
Time to shower the kids, myself (yes - I do bathe regularly - so you don't have to comment about that), and gather up the goodies for my mom's house. In a sad way, I am ready for Thanksgiving to be over and for Christmas to be here already. But HAPPY STUFFING to all of you, anyways!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Crappy Crud
cough, cough, cough
I love my children
cough, cough
And I know they love me too. They love me so much that they share their crud with me. KD had sinusitis last week - antibiotics and back and running in no time. JT ran a fever for 3 days, still has an occasional cough, but that is primarily just because of his asthma. Yet his appetite and energy level never altered much - just took a short nap every day. Ry-Ry was diagnosed with moderate-to-severe croup and had to be placed on steroids. The poor thing was so hoarse from a swollen larynx that when he tried to cry - no sound came out.
My larynx is experiencing the same problems, so I sound froggy (but not in a good way). Last night, I almost lost my voice completely. I have never lost my voice for any reason. Even as a teenager when you try screaming and yelling as long and as loud as you can at a sporting event - mine would never be affected. Not so now.
My DH made a doctor's appointment for me today. One of his workers has the flu and with all of us getting sick all at once, he was concerned that he brought the flu-bug home and I got it. No luck. I know - who wants the flu? But at least then I would be prescribed something. Instead I was told today that since I am breastfeeding, I just have to tough it out. Get sleep, take Tylenol or Motrin, maybe some throat lozenges if they seem to help, and you should be better in 1-2 weeks.
I will be one crappy-pissed-off-momma though if this cold crud holds me back from my Girl's Night Out this Sunday. cough, cough But at least I love my girlfriends enough that I do not want to be sharing it with them.
P.S. As I was reviewing my spelling - I realized I had typed the word "couch" instead of "cough" a couple of times. I know a sign when I see one. Now where is my blanket???
I love my children
cough, cough
And I know they love me too. They love me so much that they share their crud with me. KD had sinusitis last week - antibiotics and back and running in no time. JT ran a fever for 3 days, still has an occasional cough, but that is primarily just because of his asthma. Yet his appetite and energy level never altered much - just took a short nap every day. Ry-Ry was diagnosed with moderate-to-severe croup and had to be placed on steroids. The poor thing was so hoarse from a swollen larynx that when he tried to cry - no sound came out.
My larynx is experiencing the same problems, so I sound froggy (but not in a good way). Last night, I almost lost my voice completely. I have never lost my voice for any reason. Even as a teenager when you try screaming and yelling as long and as loud as you can at a sporting event - mine would never be affected. Not so now.
My DH made a doctor's appointment for me today. One of his workers has the flu and with all of us getting sick all at once, he was concerned that he brought the flu-bug home and I got it. No luck. I know - who wants the flu? But at least then I would be prescribed something. Instead I was told today that since I am breastfeeding, I just have to tough it out. Get sleep, take Tylenol or Motrin, maybe some throat lozenges if they seem to help, and you should be better in 1-2 weeks.
I will be one crappy-pissed-off-momma though if this cold crud holds me back from my Girl's Night Out this Sunday. cough, cough But at least I love my girlfriends enough that I do not want to be sharing it with them.
P.S. As I was reviewing my spelling - I realized I had typed the word "couch" instead of "cough" a couple of times. I know a sign when I see one. Now where is my blanket???
Friday, November 14, 2008
Still Going Strong
I am still going strong. My daughter seemed to have started the crud in the family, passed it on to the baby and older son, and husband was sick to his stomach 1 day - however, I have been illness free.
Lucky Me.
Yes - imagine sarcasm dripping off of those two little words.
I have been quarantined to the house, and I am not the one sick here! Kadence has thankfully been able to escape to school the past two days as I had taken her to the doctor and she is now on antibiotics. Jarod - I can't figure out. He is running a low grade fever that is manageable with Motrin, but is still vivacious and hungry. Ryland - is snot-nosed, and always seems hungry as well. We are in another growth spurt - either that or I need to stop denying him and start on the baby food (ew - green poop).
Hastings has become my new best friend of entertainment, but I am kicking myself for not signing up for Nexflicks earlier instead of paying ridiculous prices for crappy kid films. (Warning to everyone - DO NOT RENT "CATS"! Even my daughter lost interest)
Keep your fingers crossed that we will start off next week happy and healthy, as I am needing an opportunity to break out of my home.
Lucky Me.
Yes - imagine sarcasm dripping off of those two little words.
I have been quarantined to the house, and I am not the one sick here! Kadence has thankfully been able to escape to school the past two days as I had taken her to the doctor and she is now on antibiotics. Jarod - I can't figure out. He is running a low grade fever that is manageable with Motrin, but is still vivacious and hungry. Ryland - is snot-nosed, and always seems hungry as well. We are in another growth spurt - either that or I need to stop denying him and start on the baby food (ew - green poop).
Hastings has become my new best friend of entertainment, but I am kicking myself for not signing up for Nexflicks earlier instead of paying ridiculous prices for crappy kid films. (Warning to everyone - DO NOT RENT "CATS"! Even my daughter lost interest)
Keep your fingers crossed that we will start off next week happy and healthy, as I am needing an opportunity to break out of my home.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sans Dear Husband
My DH is gone for the next 4 days. He is off pheasant hunting somewhere in Kansas with his Dad, brother, nephew, and other guys. A manly trip, and a much needed one for him. So that leaves me home.........alone.......... with my kiddos.
We are so excited - strange to say. Except for watching OU and OSU playing football tomorrow, the rest of the TV time is ours. Plus, we get to eat all the glorious fruit and foods that we like - and daddy doesn't.
Sad, isn't it? We get excited when he leaves so that we can have pancakes and fruit for dinner, rent kid flicks and eat popcorn in the living room, and get the ice cream that we like - and he doesn't.
Don't get me wrong - we are all missing my DH now. He is the best bedtime book reader, Singulair dispenser, and diaper changer I can have! But it is a great release to act like a kid - with my kids. Maybe we will have our living room sleepover party, as KD likes to call it.
We are so excited - strange to say. Except for watching OU and OSU playing football tomorrow, the rest of the TV time is ours. Plus, we get to eat all the glorious fruit and foods that we like - and daddy doesn't.
Sad, isn't it? We get excited when he leaves so that we can have pancakes and fruit for dinner, rent kid flicks and eat popcorn in the living room, and get the ice cream that we like - and he doesn't.
Don't get me wrong - we are all missing my DH now. He is the best bedtime book reader, Singulair dispenser, and diaper changer I can have! But it is a great release to act like a kid - with my kids. Maybe we will have our living room sleepover party, as KD likes to call it.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Partial Part-Time Cleaner Needed
I have decided that there is a strong need in today's society for partial, part-time cleaners. Why this has not already been marketed is beyond me. I mean, really - I can take care of my house. It may take me twice as long as my old home, since it is twice the size, but it is still manageable. I am also capable of doing everything necessary to ensure that my home is habitable for my family. Dishes and laundry are a daily bore - I mean chore, but this is accomplished with little grumbling (with maybe a beer or two). However, if there was ever a need in my household, it would be simply that I am in need of a partial, part-time cleaner.
I need someone to clean my bathrooms and tile floor every week, maybe even every 2 weeks. That's it. Nothing more. Only a partial house cleaning, on a part-time basis. I really do not mind dusting or vacuuming. My children even like helping with these tasks. But I HATE sweeping and mopping the tile in my house and scrubbing the dirty toilets. No amount of martinis make these tasks any easier either. I know, I have children you say. I have trained them to scrub the toilets too, you say. But, I just really dislike these tasks and it takes all of my efforts to even get the supplies out and ready for cleaning.
It doesn't help my plight that we went from 2 toilets to 4, nor the fact that there is a huge amount of tile in my entryway, kitchen, halls, utility and storage room, and bathrooms. So, if anyone knows of a good, reliable, partial, part-time cleaner - PLEASE give them my name and number.
Hey - if my husband can have a guy mow his lawn, so that he can play golf every weekend. Then I think I can afford this luxury too (especially since mowing season is over)!
I need someone to clean my bathrooms and tile floor every week, maybe even every 2 weeks. That's it. Nothing more. Only a partial house cleaning, on a part-time basis. I really do not mind dusting or vacuuming. My children even like helping with these tasks. But I HATE sweeping and mopping the tile in my house and scrubbing the dirty toilets. No amount of martinis make these tasks any easier either. I know, I have children you say. I have trained them to scrub the toilets too, you say. But, I just really dislike these tasks and it takes all of my efforts to even get the supplies out and ready for cleaning.
It doesn't help my plight that we went from 2 toilets to 4, nor the fact that there is a huge amount of tile in my entryway, kitchen, halls, utility and storage room, and bathrooms. So, if anyone knows of a good, reliable, partial, part-time cleaner - PLEASE give them my name and number.
Hey - if my husband can have a guy mow his lawn, so that he can play golf every weekend. Then I think I can afford this luxury too (especially since mowing season is over)!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Finally Kayne!
Okay, I am FINALLY able to write about Kayne and his Kayne9 collection and evening wear fashion show that I attended several weeks ago. Pictures included! I have found myself extremely busy lately, and I cannot fathom from what. Except for the fact that my baby is growing so fast and now is demanding personal playtime, not just cuddles anymore.
Anyways........ on to the good stuff. I was really wondering how much I would enjoy seeing a doggie clothing line, but how everything was presented, the champagne, the lighting, the gift bags on your chair - you couldn't help but feel special and delighted at the night's events. Not to mention that Kayne has a beautiful evening gown line - a couple I would yearn to wear myself, but somehow prancing around in a pretty dress in my bedroom wouldn't do the gowns justice (although my DH would enjoy the show, especially with the little black number). Kayne is really an adorable guy in person. He is charming, friendly, and makes you smile to be around him. It was such a pleasure getting to me such a wonderful man.
Seeing such creativity on display got my fingers itching to do something as well. I haven't picked up my knitting needles in so long, and this event has just brought back my previous desire when I started knitting last year and created backpacks for my husband's nieces, as well as hats for myself and my kids when we went snow skiing last March. I have had a desire for a long time to do some knitting for dogs, since my dad and step-mom have a little terrier and now a little poodle, which my step-mom likes to dress. I also want to do baby shoes, but those always seem cuter on little girls. My daughter with her huge size 10 toddler feet do not inspire me to create anything but maybe a pair of slippers for her. Now if I can just discipline myself to sit down, get my creative juices going, and actually produce some decent crafts, maybe I could do a little entrepreneurship on the side. Hmmmm
Although my first item would be a gift to Kayne and his little girl, Tiara, as a thank you for letting me attend the event. I'm thinking either a felted collar with imitation pearls, or a sassy sweater. Now where are those needles again???
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Will see ya later.......
I haven't had time to blog much lately, and I really do not have time tonight. I will say that I had a blast at Kayne's fashion sh0w. It has even inspired me to get some much needed knitting done. It makes me want to bust out my creative side and actually get some things accomplished, which I haven't felt like doing for the past 4 months. Maybe I can get some doggie sweaters made for my Dad and Stepmom's pooches in time for X-mas? Hmmmm............
I had a wonderful time last Friday at the Fashion show and YES, I got a picture with Kayne! He is so adorable in person too. I also fell in LOVE with some of his shoes. Hopefully I can snag a pair for X-Mas. I did get a coupon to get one of his 2008 dresses for 50% off, so I am hoping to have a chance to browse his store in the coming weeks. Not that I would have a reason to wear any of his creations, but I do have a 14-year old niece that is in Rainbows!!!
Okay, enough gushing. I have reality setting in of laundry to do and crying baby to tend to. But as soon as I upload some pictures, I will have them posted from the event.
I had a wonderful time last Friday at the Fashion show and YES, I got a picture with Kayne! He is so adorable in person too. I also fell in LOVE with some of his shoes. Hopefully I can snag a pair for X-Mas. I did get a coupon to get one of his 2008 dresses for 50% off, so I am hoping to have a chance to browse his store in the coming weeks. Not that I would have a reason to wear any of his creations, but I do have a 14-year old niece that is in Rainbows!!!
Okay, enough gushing. I have reality setting in of laundry to do and crying baby to tend to. But as soon as I upload some pictures, I will have them posted from the event.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Newest Addition... AKA Husband's Newest Obsession
So my DH has been arguing with me for the last month about getting a bird dog for our family. This started after I took our Australian Shephard, Brooks, to the vet for his yearly checkup and to look at his back knee that we have already had to repair (to a tune of $1500). The vet has commented that Brooks may be needing a playmate because he is getting very bored in our backyard and becoming destructive. With me supposedly staying home from work this year, we thought that I would have more time to spend with Brooks, thus stopping his bad behavior, but it turns out that I am spending more time driving, then at home.
Thus my husband's obsessive-compulsive nature kicked in. With hunting season upon us, both for deer and birds, he was bound and determined that what our family needed was another over-active dog to add to our family. He justified it (to himself, basically), that the bird dog would have the energy for Brooks, plus as a "bonus" Jeff and Jarod could go walk the fields on the land that we have leased, or head to the preserve in Tecumseh for "exercise and bonding time" for all of them. Yeah - right. I really see my 5-year-old son walking for hours with my husband as he runs the dog in the field trying to kick up some birds to shoot. Then again, Jarod is just as obsessive-compulsive as his dad and loves watching hunting on TV, so he may really love it.
As an agreement, Jeff worked extra jobs on the side to earn the money for the dog. There was no way I would be budgeting that expense in. He earned his money and off we went yesterday for a day-trip to a town north of Joplin, Missouri to see the German Short Hairs at Muddy Creek Kennels. Thus Blaze has now entered our family. He really had a good temperment at the kennel, but he is not finished being trained. He is only 9-months old and started pretty well at pointing birds, not being afraid of being shot over if he is in pursuit of a bird, and has tracked some of the kill pretty well. But he is still a "pup" and has a lot of work to do. Hopefully Jeff can get him off to a guy he knows to finish him up by Thanksgiving next month.
Right now though, Blaze and Brooks are running non-stop in the backyard. Brooks is thinking he is going to be the Alpha, but in a few months time, I'm sure Blaze will come out ahead when he is fully grown. Now if my husband would just have the drive to work the extra jobs to earn money for a trip to Disney World, I wouldn't be complaining!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I love my DH. He really does try to do the best that he can. And when he feels guilty for some reason, he REALLY tries to do something extra special for me. Case in point, my DH did not get home until around 9:30pm last night. He was working a side job trying to get money for a bird dog he wants. Since he was gone so long, he came home with a "present" for me. He made an exchange and received 2 tickets to Kayne's Fashion Show on Oct. 24th in Bricktown. For those of you who may think this name is familiar, he is the Oklahoma fashion designer that appeared on Project Runway. He has a store in Norman and designs a LOT of pageant dresses. Jeff remembers me watching him obsessively as he was on the TV show, and he knows that I have even been to his store in Norman to browse.
I would normally be so ecstatic, but after having 3 kids (and 1 of them only 4 months ago), I feel like my nickname - Fat Mamma. I nicknamed myself this. I know I am bigger than I was pre-children. I know that I have not had the time to get back into shape right now either. I know this shouldn't bother me at all - but it does. My self-esteem has now plummeted.
Now I have to figure out what "Business Casual" attire is (for me, that would mean exercise pants and a t-shirt or pj's and a bathrobe at this time), try to find a babysitter for the evening (and cancel taking my kids to the Gymboree Pumpkin Family Party that night), plus try to make myself feel the prettiest that I can that night, all while sitting next to a lady (the one who is getting us into the show and whom my DH knows, I don't) I have never met that is one of Kayne's best friends who is a model herself. Self-esteem knocked down another 10 points.
So if anyone wants to come peruse my closet, or offer me advice on "Business Casual" (I'm a former school teacher and the last 2 years were at an Elementary School - not much to go on people), I am going to call my man, Derek, to get my hair done that day, hopefully get a pedi and mani, and pull out the granny girdle for the night. The next time I talk about this event, I hope to have a picture of me with Kayne!
I would normally be so ecstatic, but after having 3 kids (and 1 of them only 4 months ago), I feel like my nickname - Fat Mamma. I nicknamed myself this. I know I am bigger than I was pre-children. I know that I have not had the time to get back into shape right now either. I know this shouldn't bother me at all - but it does. My self-esteem has now plummeted.
Now I have to figure out what "Business Casual" attire is (for me, that would mean exercise pants and a t-shirt or pj's and a bathrobe at this time), try to find a babysitter for the evening (and cancel taking my kids to the Gymboree Pumpkin Family Party that night), plus try to make myself feel the prettiest that I can that night, all while sitting next to a lady (the one who is getting us into the show and whom my DH knows, I don't) I have never met that is one of Kayne's best friends who is a model herself. Self-esteem knocked down another 10 points.
So if anyone wants to come peruse my closet, or offer me advice on "Business Casual" (I'm a former school teacher and the last 2 years were at an Elementary School - not much to go on people), I am going to call my man, Derek, to get my hair done that day, hopefully get a pedi and mani, and pull out the granny girdle for the night. The next time I talk about this event, I hope to have a picture of me with Kayne!
Monday, October 13, 2008
I have survived! I have survived almost 1 full month of driving the stinky feet van, and now I have my own van back. I have survived my in-laws calling us last Friday night to let us know that they are coming down the next day and will be staying the night. I have survived my MIL and did not have to take her shopping. I have survived watching OU lose, and OSU win and I only had 1 beer to get me through the anxiety of the games. I have survived working the church nursery with my daughter who tried to fake being sick because she didn't want to be upstairs by herself in her class, but had no desire to sit in big church with her brother and grandparents.
Now it is a short week of school for the kids, and I am really looking forward to having 4 days with my kids. I hope we can survive all of the activities I have planned for them. We will be appreciating the upstairs this week because my kids have to pick up the mess they have made up there, but not until I have fun playing with them first.
Now it is a short week of school for the kids, and I am really looking forward to having 4 days with my kids. I hope we can survive all of the activities I have planned for them. We will be appreciating the upstairs this week because my kids have to pick up the mess they have made up there, but not until I have fun playing with them first.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
SAH Training Classes
I think I have missed the most important parenting class. If there isn't one, then there really should be. It should be called SAH (stay-at-home) Parenting 101. It would teach SAH parents (moms or dads), how to create a routine, get their personal needs in as well as their families, and still find complete and utter satisfaction in the daily lives that they live 24/7, 365 because they don't do anything else outside of the home. Maybe I should see if I can borrow a manual from someone who did attend this class?
I've really had a great misconception about the SAH-life. I can remember all of the times my fellow colleagues and I would just wish we could stay at home and not be full-time employees trying to parent in the evenings and weekends. We felt there would be so much more freedom, less stress, and more satisfaction in our families and our lives. Dang - were we wrong!
Sure - it would probably be easier if I didn't have to spend almost 4 hours each day breastpumping and then feeding a child. It would also be easier if I didn't have to spend a couple of hours each day transporting 2 kids to and from their different schools. But where is all of this time I thought I would have to be at home, living in a spotlessly clean house (because I would have so much time to clean it daily), doing my crafts, and becoming an aerobics queen like how the other SAHM's looked whenever they picked up their kids from school in their sports-bra shirts and jogging shorts! Or maybe they just dress that way to make us full-timers think they had the freedom to meet their needs as well as their families and live a full and satisfying life? Somehow, I am just not getting any satisfaction in completing a load of laundry and dishes every day. Those chores used to be my "escape" in the evenings. They would give me the down time I needed to unwind by doing simple and mundane things. Now the mundane things are my only things.
So I have set a project out for myself. My goal is to spend time WITH my family in a different part of our house each night and enjoying and doing things there, while getting things cleaned. Tonight, it is the backyard. The kids decided this, so I am not complaining. We have a HUGE backyard (to get an idea - we could fit a tennis court, a swimming pool, a garden, and probably a batting cage and still have room for other things - no exaggeration). I'm going to have my kids go play, while I garden and spray them with the hose. It is time we fully utilize and appreciate the things we have in our home. Tomorrow night, it is the kitchen and laundry room. We are going to do crafts at the table, while I clean up the other messes that are there. Saturday, it will be the front yard........... Oh it is so nice to have a plan again! Keep your fingers crossed that this works........... otherwise, I will be on the search for that manual.
I've really had a great misconception about the SAH-life. I can remember all of the times my fellow colleagues and I would just wish we could stay at home and not be full-time employees trying to parent in the evenings and weekends. We felt there would be so much more freedom, less stress, and more satisfaction in our families and our lives. Dang - were we wrong!
Sure - it would probably be easier if I didn't have to spend almost 4 hours each day breastpumping and then feeding a child. It would also be easier if I didn't have to spend a couple of hours each day transporting 2 kids to and from their different schools. But where is all of this time I thought I would have to be at home, living in a spotlessly clean house (because I would have so much time to clean it daily), doing my crafts, and becoming an aerobics queen like how the other SAHM's looked whenever they picked up their kids from school in their sports-bra shirts and jogging shorts! Or maybe they just dress that way to make us full-timers think they had the freedom to meet their needs as well as their families and live a full and satisfying life? Somehow, I am just not getting any satisfaction in completing a load of laundry and dishes every day. Those chores used to be my "escape" in the evenings. They would give me the down time I needed to unwind by doing simple and mundane things. Now the mundane things are my only things.
So I have set a project out for myself. My goal is to spend time WITH my family in a different part of our house each night and enjoying and doing things there, while getting things cleaned. Tonight, it is the backyard. The kids decided this, so I am not complaining. We have a HUGE backyard (to get an idea - we could fit a tennis court, a swimming pool, a garden, and probably a batting cage and still have room for other things - no exaggeration). I'm going to have my kids go play, while I garden and spray them with the hose. It is time we fully utilize and appreciate the things we have in our home. Tomorrow night, it is the kitchen and laundry room. We are going to do crafts at the table, while I clean up the other messes that are there. Saturday, it will be the front yard........... Oh it is so nice to have a plan again! Keep your fingers crossed that this works........... otherwise, I will be on the search for that manual.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I love playdates!
I've found my new drug. It is called, "Playdates"! Why I haven't planned any sooner, or actually followed through earlier on playdates that were originally scheduled, I don't know. I have some former teacher friends that all have kids around JT's and KD's ages (even RP's too). We have been trying to get together for 3 weeks, but I have bailed out. First excuse, car wreck and no wheels to get there. Second excuse, rain. Finally - we met today and it went by so fast! I felt we had only been there a few minutes, when it had actually been more along the lines of 90 minutes before the other moms had to leave. I am now craving adult attention! I couldn't seem to get enough of it this afternoon and I am still needing more. I am on such a high and my kids are seeming to be addicted to it as well. The bonus of this new drug - both the big kids are racked out in their rooms. I guess you could say they "overdosed" themselves today.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I was playing some catch-up reading on my google reader, when I saw a post by my girlfriend. I so wanted to comment on her blog, but seeing as it is a week past posting it was just too lame. So I am doing a double post tonight (since I do not know when I will get the chance again).
Here is the link to her original post.
My oldest child, after hearing the same speech before entering any store, has tried using this line on me many a time.
JT: Mom, I want (insert-any-annoying-uselesss-item-for-kids-here)!
ME: No, JT. I have already said that we are only getting (name-off-items-from-list) and nothing else.
JT: It isn't too big to fit in the cart!
ME: I don't have the money for it.
JT: Then just use your card-thingy! You always have money on that!
Oh the sweet, naive mind of babes........ money just comes from plastic!
Here is the link to her original post.
My oldest child, after hearing the same speech before entering any store, has tried using this line on me many a time.
JT: Mom, I want (insert-any-annoying-uselesss-item-for-kids-here)!
ME: No, JT. I have already said that we are only getting (name-off-items-from-list) and nothing else.
JT: It isn't too big to fit in the cart!
ME: I don't have the money for it.
JT: Then just use your card-thingy! You always have money on that!
Oh the sweet, naive mind of babes........ money just comes from plastic!
Tuesday Tidings
It has been quite a while since I have had a chance to sit and write. How my girlfriend can do it almost daily, I am shocked. But as I have stated before, she is an excellent writer.
I should really be paying bills right now, but I cannot pass up the opportunity to get a few quotes from the mouths of my babes written down before they are lost and forgotten.
The first is from my daughter. It was a couple of Sundays ago, and I had invited Grandma and Grandpa to go to the zoo with me and the kids, while DH was supposed to get some work done (he worked at shopping that day, but he did come home with some awesome goodies and had mole made for us that night). Anyways, back on track. I was driving us back home and the kids are tired and fighting. So Grandma starts the "I Spy" game to keep them entertained. As we are playing along, it is one of Grandpa's turn.... and here is how it went:
GP: "I spy something gray."
KD: "It's Mommy's hair!"
(Thanks kid - and many of them are from you)
And now for my oldest. I snuck into his classroom a minute before the bell rang today to pick him up (since I was parked in the oval). His teacher had to stop me to let me know what my son did yesterday. My immediate thought: "Crap, what did he do now? Especially when he knew his daddy was getting him because I was at the hospital seeing my dad." But, here is what she told me:
TEACH: So yesterday, during free time, JT goes over to the table where there is a group of girls sitting. He leans one arm against the table and in his most suave voice says, "So, do any of you want to come to my house to see the movie Cinderella?"
ME: That has got to be the best Pre-K Pick-Up Line I have ever heard! I'm raising a little Casanova. (At least he knows what the Ladies like!)
I should really be paying bills right now, but I cannot pass up the opportunity to get a few quotes from the mouths of my babes written down before they are lost and forgotten.
The first is from my daughter. It was a couple of Sundays ago, and I had invited Grandma and Grandpa to go to the zoo with me and the kids, while DH was supposed to get some work done (he worked at shopping that day, but he did come home with some awesome goodies and had mole made for us that night). Anyways, back on track. I was driving us back home and the kids are tired and fighting. So Grandma starts the "I Spy" game to keep them entertained. As we are playing along, it is one of Grandpa's turn.... and here is how it went:
GP: "I spy something gray."
KD: "It's Mommy's hair!"
(Thanks kid - and many of them are from you)
And now for my oldest. I snuck into his classroom a minute before the bell rang today to pick him up (since I was parked in the oval). His teacher had to stop me to let me know what my son did yesterday. My immediate thought: "Crap, what did he do now? Especially when he knew his daddy was getting him because I was at the hospital seeing my dad." But, here is what she told me:
TEACH: So yesterday, during free time, JT goes over to the table where there is a group of girls sitting. He leans one arm against the table and in his most suave voice says, "So, do any of you want to come to my house to see the movie Cinderella?"
ME: That has got to be the best Pre-K Pick-Up Line I have ever heard! I'm raising a little Casanova. (At least he knows what the Ladies like!)
Friday, September 19, 2008
My reality TV
I love my reality TV show. It is better than anything else in this world. Of course, I know that I may be a little bias about this subject, but you would have to agree that my reality TV is addictive. I can lay there all day and all night just staring at my show.
I'm serious. No joke. Early in the morning, in the middle of the night, when I am getting dressed and undressed, or even sometimes in the afternoon. It doesn't matter when. Whenever my TV is on - I am glued to it.

I got my "reality TV show" just last week. At least, that is what I call my new video baby monitor. We had to move the baby to his crib because he was outgrowing the cradle in our room, plus he was sleeping more through the night. However, I was not comfortable just letting him be in his room on his own hoping I would hear him if he cried in the middle of the night, so off for baby monitor shopping we went. We opted to pay more for the video baby monitor thinking that in the future we would move the camera upstairs to monitor our kids and their playing while we were downstairs. I know, I know. Smart Momma! But now I cannot help but stare at what I call my reality TV show. During the day, it is in color. At night, it is black and white. There is even sound too. I told you I was biased about my show. But if you were to see it in person, I am sure you would agree with me too.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Where's my driver?
I hate driving. I guess I just dislike the responsibility and stress of it all. This is ironic since I spend everyday of the week carpooling my two oldest to and from their pre-school programs. But as long as I am not driving, I can handle anything that goes on in a car. Yesterday made me understand this weakness in myself. As I was driving home from a wedding at 8pm with my two oldest fighting in the back row, I was wondering why this is such a drag? It couldn't have been because I'd been up since 6am helping my son get out the door with his daddy, then having to deal with soccer photos, OSU football game, and a wedding all in one day.
I love going on car rides. Long ones don't bother me in the least. Case-in-point, imagine 7 people in a suburban on a 7 1/2 hour car ride to Lincoln, NE. My DH and sister in the front seats (DH is driving), my 7 week old and 14-year-old niece are in the middle in their own captain's chairs (personal space), and I am squished in the back row inbetween my older two and their car seats. Yes, I could even nap in that position! I could have also lasted another 3 hours and made a trek like that to go to Colorado. I loved it!
Except for the trek up to OSU yesterday (I had my step-dad drive while I took care of the milk supply before the game), I had to drive everywhere. I felt exhausted, and my emotions (as well as the kids) were very high strung last night on that final leg home. In my state, I became nostalgic and recalled my teenage youth where I felt I could run all day and all night. I'd get up early and cap cokes for most of the day at the OU football games with my Rainbow sisters. Go home and get ready for the night out at some DeMolay installation where we would stay up until midnight dancing the night away. Giggling and gossiping on the car ride home with the girls about the night, as my mom dropped off all of my friends before taking us home. Finally getting home and crashing (if I didn't fall asleep in the car already). It seemed like no big deal then. I could do this all the time - so why can't I handle a simple day in my life as a mother carpooling my kids from point A, to point B, to point C? Then I understood. I hate driving.
I love going on car rides. Long ones don't bother me in the least. Case-in-point, imagine 7 people in a suburban on a 7 1/2 hour car ride to Lincoln, NE. My DH and sister in the front seats (DH is driving), my 7 week old and 14-year-old niece are in the middle in their own captain's chairs (personal space), and I am squished in the back row inbetween my older two and their car seats. Yes, I could even nap in that position! I could have also lasted another 3 hours and made a trek like that to go to Colorado. I loved it!
Except for the trek up to OSU yesterday (I had my step-dad drive while I took care of the milk supply before the game), I had to drive everywhere. I felt exhausted, and my emotions (as well as the kids) were very high strung last night on that final leg home. In my state, I became nostalgic and recalled my teenage youth where I felt I could run all day and all night. I'd get up early and cap cokes for most of the day at the OU football games with my Rainbow sisters. Go home and get ready for the night out at some DeMolay installation where we would stay up until midnight dancing the night away. Giggling and gossiping on the car ride home with the girls about the night, as my mom dropped off all of my friends before taking us home. Finally getting home and crashing (if I didn't fall asleep in the car already). It seemed like no big deal then. I could do this all the time - so why can't I handle a simple day in my life as a mother carpooling my kids from point A, to point B, to point C? Then I understood. I hate driving.
carefree youth,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Loaner

Here it is - the loaner. Well, to quote my step-dad, "At least your ass isn't hitting the asphalt!" But then again if it did, my ass might be 1-2 inches smaller........ hmmmm The funny thing so far about this experience is my childrens' conversation with me this morning, since it would be the first time for them to be in the van. It went something like this....
KD: Oooh, mom.... it's so pretty! Thank you for buying this mommy!
Me: I didn't buy it sweetie, I am just borrowing it.
JT: Can I watch a movie?
Me: Sorry honey, there is no dvd player in this van.
JT: Man - why did you get it?
Me: I'm borrowing it, I didn't get to pick it out.
Me: I'm borrowing it, I didn't get to pick it out.
KD: It's so pretty mommy....... can we keep it?
Me (thinking): You have got to be kidding me!
JT: Hey, it smells like gymnastics in here! Don't you think it smells like gymnastics, Kady?
KD: Yep. We missed gymnastics this week.
Me (thinking): You have got to be kidding me!
JT: Hey, it smells like gymnastics in here! Don't you think it smells like gymnastics, Kady?
KD: Yep. We missed gymnastics this week.
Me (thinking again): Great....... smelly feet van.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ouch my rear end!

Well, my worst fear has finally happened. I have been in a car wreck with my children. Yes - we are okay. Today has not gone as planned anyways, so this just adds to my crankiness.
First, I'm running late getting Kady to her preschool. Jarod and Kadence didn't wake up until 8:15am (yeah - quiet time for me!), but trying to get them showered, dressed, and fed in 1 hour, while feeding the baby, making Kady's lunch, and getting myself ready is a challenge. I did it with only being 2 minutes late to her school. However, Jarod didn't have shoes on because he couldn't find them and I wasn't waiting around any longer.
Then Jeff calls while I am driving the kids. He needs to me to come to the shop for a little bit to help him with something. What I helped him with, I don't know. The filing could have waited until tomorrow when I usually go in. I guess he just wanted company as he was paying his monthly bills for the business. So 1 1/2 hours later and a very bored Jarod, we head home to get him lunch and shoes.
This is where the shit really hits the fan. I decided since it was 11am, I would take him to McDonald's for lunch since he was good at his Daddy's shop and was very bored the whole time he waited on us. I was facing south on Ed Noble Parkway, as far to the left as I could go, with my turn signal on and getting ready to go forward when - WHAM!!! I was rear-ended. I have never flown out of my car so fast to check on the kids in the back. Both boys were crying and very shaken. But thankfully - okay.
We pull forward and park near the McDonald's. I page Jeff to come meet me and I hand the guy my insurance card. I cannot even speak to him because I am in such shock from everything. I have been thinking for the past several days to watch out more because I don't want to be in a wreck with the kids. I guess my premonition finally caught me.
I guess I can say that thankfully, I got hit by a guy in a company car - so I know he is covered. What sucks is trying to wait around for the claims specilist for the company to contact me so that I can get my van in, get a loaner, and get new car seats. Our insurance agent (and Jeff's father - retired fireman - also confirmed), that anytime there is a wreck and you have car seats, you need to replace them because it voids their warranty.
Jeff scored in that he got out of having to do any plumbing today which had put him in a sour mood this morning. Jarod got out of having to go to school because it was almost noon when we left McDonald's (and he still didn't have on any shoes). I am worried some about him because he went and laid down and took a nap on his own! My child has not had a nap where he volunteered to lay down since he was 3 years old. Usually he goes down kicking and screaming. I guess the stress of the wreck has really worn him out because he is sawing some heavy logs and I do not wish to disturb him. Ryland's schedule is messed up and he is a cranky boy now too. Thank goodness I didn't have my little princess with me - or she would have been in hysterics and I don't know if I could have handled all 3 of my babies in a car wreck.
Pray things get better today - I am so needing it!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Birthday boy
I couldn't sleep last night. Too many things were going through my head as to how my schedule would be for today - all the while making my boy feel extra special because he is 5 today. How is that possible? I know I was there when I gave birth to him, but it doesn't feel as if he has really been mine for 5 years. Is he really that old? Then my mind flashes forward to how my sister must feel with a 14 year old. Now I know why she worries so much. I have so many questions now. What will my boy look like at that age? What attitude will he have then? Will we have our early morning cuddles whenever he is the only one awake with me at 6am? I know the answer on that will be "no," but I can dream.
I also cannot believe I am still a mom. I never really cared if I was married, or had children, until the day I met my DH. I knew that day we met we would be together and have a family. Just like I knew my first child would be a boy. (Although I never told my DH this until after a year of dating.) But I guess I just don't feel as if I am OLD enough to be a mom. I guess I feel as if I have been playing a game so far in my life. There are many times I feel as if I am still a young teenager with a very extended babysitting gig. I get to play, relax, and not care if there are adult reponsibilities. Then reality crashes in and I realize I have to be the one to do the dishes, the laundry, the bathroom cleanings (although my kids do scrub the toilets very well for me), and the bill paying. I wonder - how did I get to this point? When did this game turn into the real, adult thing? I don't feel thirty-something. I'm really not a mom. I'm young. I'm energized. I'm ready to don my going-out clothes and hit the clubs dancing the night away. I'm................ what's that in the mirror???? Damn - reality sucks sometimes.
I also cannot believe I am still a mom. I never really cared if I was married, or had children, until the day I met my DH. I knew that day we met we would be together and have a family. Just like I knew my first child would be a boy. (Although I never told my DH this until after a year of dating.) But I guess I just don't feel as if I am OLD enough to be a mom. I guess I feel as if I have been playing a game so far in my life. There are many times I feel as if I am still a young teenager with a very extended babysitting gig. I get to play, relax, and not care if there are adult reponsibilities. Then reality crashes in and I realize I have to be the one to do the dishes, the laundry, the bathroom cleanings (although my kids do scrub the toilets very well for me), and the bill paying. I wonder - how did I get to this point? When did this game turn into the real, adult thing? I don't feel thirty-something. I'm really not a mom. I'm young. I'm energized. I'm ready to don my going-out clothes and hit the clubs dancing the night away. I'm................ what's that in the mirror???? Damn - reality sucks sometimes.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Shoo Fly.............. I mean, Flies
I hate living in the country. I like the area my DH has found, I really am beginning to like the house that he has built for his family, I just hate all of the BUGS! Especially the flies. I always know right when the weather is going to change in the summer, like if a storm is going to come in, because the flies in our house multiply by the hundreds. I know my DH killed 5 flies this morning, I have killed 7, and yet they are everywhere. It seems as if whenever I kill just 1 fly, it regenerates into 2 more. It is windy, rainy, and chilly today - unlike the 90-something degrees it was just 2 days ago. These flies will hopefully be shoo-ing themselves out my door by tomorrow as things start to warm up. I just hope I don't have so many in my house come this weekend as we celebrate my son's birthday.
At least we live close enough to the front of the addition that I do not have to deal with the other wonderful pets of nature, like some of my unfortunate neighbors have been experiencing lately. We had our HOA meeting last night and several of the neighbors that live by the back fields have been having problems with skunks, raccoons, and now snakes. One had a snake up in his car just a few days ago - now that would have sent my DH screaming. I personally like snakes - but I don't think even I would have handled the 4 footer in my minivan.
The only pests I have to live with is the damn delivery men that come to my door before 9am. I guess since we live in the country - they put us first on their deliveries. I cannot tell you how many delivery drivers I have "flashed" in the morning as I am carrying my milk supply from my bedroom to my kitchen. (I have a 2-month old that doesn't breastfeed, but doesn't like formula. I have to pump 5-6 times a day to feed my little chubba-whubba). This time, it wasn't the UPS or FedEx man - it was the guy delivering my trashbins. I finally broke down from having to haul the trash 3/4 mile to our city trash every other day and am now having pick-up service. Well - he sure got to know a lot of me - and I actually had a robe on this time, but it came untied as I was walking! Go figure - I guess it just satisfies any exhibition fantasies I have never had.
At least we live close enough to the front of the addition that I do not have to deal with the other wonderful pets of nature, like some of my unfortunate neighbors have been experiencing lately. We had our HOA meeting last night and several of the neighbors that live by the back fields have been having problems with skunks, raccoons, and now snakes. One had a snake up in his car just a few days ago - now that would have sent my DH screaming. I personally like snakes - but I don't think even I would have handled the 4 footer in my minivan.
The only pests I have to live with is the damn delivery men that come to my door before 9am. I guess since we live in the country - they put us first on their deliveries. I cannot tell you how many delivery drivers I have "flashed" in the morning as I am carrying my milk supply from my bedroom to my kitchen. (I have a 2-month old that doesn't breastfeed, but doesn't like formula. I have to pump 5-6 times a day to feed my little chubba-whubba). This time, it wasn't the UPS or FedEx man - it was the guy delivering my trashbins. I finally broke down from having to haul the trash 3/4 mile to our city trash every other day and am now having pick-up service. Well - he sure got to know a lot of me - and I actually had a robe on this time, but it came untied as I was walking! Go figure - I guess it just satisfies any exhibition fantasies I have never had.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
My new beginning .... or total ending???
Okay....... so my friend has had a blog for quite some time (check out www.greggdigressions.blogspot.com) and I have always envied her for her wonderful witicism, imagery, and everything. I want to be just like her in being able to blog about my life, but I find myself sorely lacking. For one, I find myself never near a computer whenever my "creativeness" overcomes me. Secondly, writing really is my worse nemesis in my so-called creative life. I fear that you, who are reading this, cannot hear the true tone of my voice in my words. Can you really understand the meanings I am trying to put behind things - or are they being misconstrued? Do you wonder - what do I look like? How do I truely sound? What am I wearing?
I do have a wicked sense of humor - must be why my DH loves me so much! But if you do not know me - you may not understand the meanings behind some of my words. Although blogging is hopefully going to be a new beginning in sharing my thoughts and views to my friends and family - to those who are just reading about me, you are going to be wondering - what is she wearing? I can hear my family and most of my friends thinking, "Ew!" Some friends are thinking "Ha, Ha!" The rest are going, "Hmmmm" I guess I will have to leave my profile pic off for a little while, so that I will let your imaginations roam.
I do have a wicked sense of humor - must be why my DH loves me so much! But if you do not know me - you may not understand the meanings behind some of my words. Although blogging is hopefully going to be a new beginning in sharing my thoughts and views to my friends and family - to those who are just reading about me, you are going to be wondering - what is she wearing? I can hear my family and most of my friends thinking, "Ew!" Some friends are thinking "Ha, Ha!" The rest are going, "Hmmmm" I guess I will have to leave my profile pic off for a little while, so that I will let your imaginations roam.
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