Thursday, July 16, 2009

Caught in a conundrum

Jeez it has been a long time since I have written anything on this site. I look back and wonder why? I know why. Partly it is because I was feeling lazy, partly because I really didn't have anything to say and I didn't want to write anything that was negative, and partly because I was too dang tired. I would stay awake a lot of evenings, but find myself on facebook or playing mindless games because I just needed relief from my day-to-day actions with my children. The wee hours of the morning would be the time I would find myself finally being able to relax and I didn't want to spend my evenings reflecting anymore or writing about my daily chores. I just wanted to be done.

So, a quick update from my last post (which was who knows when), my baby has been baptized, had a birthday, and has cut another tooth. My oldest son's t-ball team scored 4th out of 31 teams. Pretty dang good for his first year of city league. I was happy for him, and happy that he was excited about the 4th place. The games were sometimes too intense, and I would find my husband reminding himself that his son is only 5 years old. This is not professional ball. Let them have fun! My daughter is still being a silly little girl, getting into my makeup, coloring her body and bathroom floor, and begging to do ballet (along with gymnastics and soccer). She is socially becoming a terror. She knows who is weak and is bossing them around school, getting other kids into trouble, while looking all sweet and innocent. A major manipulator. I am really trying hard to figure out how to break this habit before she starts Pre-K this fall.

Right now, we are in the middle of swim lessons. I signed the kids up for the last 2 sessions at Westwood and I am amazed at how much they are doing now. We have another 2 weeks to go, but part of me is tired of going swimming every night for 1-2 hours. Yes, the lessons are only 30 minutes, but we go earlier and stay a little later to get some extra practice time in. It is just wearing me out, as we do not have an evening meal. We snack before and after swimming. This is definitely not helping me maintain a diet.

Finally, I have basically started typing again today because I am so frustrated with my husband, my Dad, and my family. I love them all, but I cannot make them all happy. The problem is that my Dad has Parkinson's and is going in for the first of three surgeries the first week in August. This is the part of the deep brain stimulus where they drill the holes into the skull, add the electrodes, and thread the wires down his neck. Yes, it is a scary procedure. Yes, it will take 6-8 hours, but the good thing is that he should only be in the hospital for 1-2 days after the procedure.

But then there is my husband. He is wanting a vacation of just the 2 of us. He wanted to take me somewhere over New Year's, but after looking at various places, he was not happy with the prices he was seeing. Of course it is more expensive, it is the holiday season. So the opportunity has arisen the first week in August. The older two kids will be with his parents, the baby will just be starting daycare, that means that the children will be cared for during the day. The catch - we would have to leave the day after dad's surgery and come back 6 days later.

I am so torn. My Dad, of course, wants me there the whole time with him while he is recovering. He is scared and very anxious about this first procedure. He gathers everyone around him when he gets like this and I totally understand and get it. IF anything went wrong, I would want my family with me as well. We are prepared for this, it is called travel insurance. I would have no qualms about not being able to go, if it meant that my Dad really needed me there. But, there is my husband. I married him to love and support. He is really wanting to go on a vacation and has been obsessed with Disney World ever since we got back in February. He has been planning out this whole thing, arranging care for the kids, he just forgot that Dad's surgery was the same time. Thus, the leaving the day after the surgery. He is understanding and willing to stay home as well if there is a need. He feels that this is also an elective surgery, not life or death. True. This is a procedure by choice because Dad is at the end of relief that the medicine can provide for him. Dad didn't get to pick the surgery date, the doctor did. Jeff's parent's also picked the time that they were best available for taking the older two kids for a trip. If his parents could take the kids the 2nd week in August, then there would be no problem, but we do not have that option. I want to go on the trip. I want to be with my Dad. I really want to spend time with my husband, but I feel responsible for supporting my father.

In the end, I see my future as being I will be wearing myself out trying to see my Dad as much as possible before the surgery. I'll spend all day at the hospital with him until I am kicked out. Then I'll go with my husband to make him happy, while sneaking calls back home. I'll also go and see Dad the day after we return. Also note, that my older kids will be so disappointed that we went again without them, that we will be buying some pretty big guilt gifts for leaving them behind. I've got enough guilt going on about this whole thing, I have filled a cauldron.

OK... I'm done with this tantrum.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I do not know where my daughter gets it from, but she is a little fashionista. I seriously think that my sister was meant to have 2 daughters, and I was meant to have 3 boys. But somewhere in the chaos of the universe, I have one of her daughters and she has one of my sons. My sister and niece love to shop, do girly things, and LOVE shoes. My daughter loves to shop, is a major girly-girl, and LOVES shoes. The only problem is I think my daughter was born a couple of decades too late, as she is the epitomy of "Punky Brewster" (minus the striped leggings and high tops). But she does her best with the items she has. As the pictures depict so well. (Note on Picture on the Left: It is hard to see in this shot, but she is wearing her pink and white Cowboys jersey, pink/white tie-dyed shorts, and white stockings with pink/red hearts along the sides. At least she was trying to stay in the same color palette)

The Pink Room

The Pink Room. It makes me think of an upside down strawberry ice cream cone. God I hate it. But my daughter loves it. I do not think it matters what shade of pink you choose, it will probably always seem to come out reminding me of Pepto-Bismal. Ugh.

Friday, May 15, 2009

What Mother's Day?

No - really, I did have a Mother's Day. It is just a day that both my DH and I wish would disappear. Well, the bad parts anyways.

Not only was it Mother's Day, but it was my DH's birthday as well. Now how do you go about celebrating that? You can argue that he gets Father's Day too - well, I have a birthday as well. So, we looked at where we could compromise. He got to play golf all day on Saturday with his buddies (and I mean all day - gone from 7am to almost 9pm). He got to sleep in a little on Sunday (I was up at 5:45am with the baby, he was up at 7:45am). Don't worry - my birthday is this month as well and I will get to sleep in on my day (on Father's Day, DH plays golf and is gone at the crack of dawn).

We met my Mom and Step-Dad for lunch. This was one of the best parts of the whole day - it was a really delicious and relaxing meal. The unfortunate thing is that when DH was getting dressed for lunch, he realized the carpet in the closet was wet. The ball valve in our closet had somehow split along the brass. Now how this happened, even he doesn't have a clue and he is a plumber. So he turns off the water, stops up the area with towels, and we go to lunch. It wasn't until we stopped off at Home Depot after lunch that he was kicking himself for not shutting the water off at the main because the ball valve would probably still be leaking from the brass. And it was. I don't blame him for this plumber's error. He was in a rush to try to get out for our lunch reservation.

1 1/2 hours later, a new ball valve is on, along with a larger hole in my closet, the carpet and padding is completely ripped out and in the garage and my DH and I had about 15 minutes to get ready for the babysitter as we had a date night at the Warren Theater in the balcony for dinner and a movie. We saw Star Trek and consumed large amounts of adult beverages. That was a great ending to our day.

It is now 5 days later and my slab in the closet is finally dried (yes, it was that wet). Now I am wondering how many Mother's Days will come and go before the numerous holes in my bathroom and closet are patched and painted, as well as re-flooring the closet? I never blogged last month about the 3 other holes that DH had to cut into the sheetrock in our bathroom because a screw rusted out on our shower valve and was leaking into our closet. After two soakings, you can now understand why the carpet had to go.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Already 1/3 and more of the way done

Where has the time gone? We are already into the middle of May! Can you believe that a little more than 1/3 of 2009 is already come and gone? I feel as if time has moved too fast and I have missed something. I do not know when I even posted my last blog. So, here is a quick update of things.

Nine more schools days and my children are free (well, sort of) for summer. I am diligently trying to get activities scheduled for them, so that I can try to have some time for me. I am determined to get some scrapbooking and knitting done, so that when I do start back to work, I feel as if I have got something accomplished for myself. Selfish, I know, but a much needed time to release my creativity and work my brain.

As it is, JT is doing t-ball in the evenings until the end of June. That is if the rain doesn't keep canceling his games so that the league has to reschedule them for 9pm or later. Why the league thinks it is okay, or even appropriate, to schedule 5/6 year-olds for this time I do not know. But hey, they are not the ones having to deal with the tired, cranky kids the next morning. JT is going to be doing gymnastics again this summer. We had the opportunity to do a Level 4 Rec at Bart Conner's, but that is more for kids who are looking at gymnastics being their main sport of focus. JT wants to still try and play everything, so we are putting him in Beginner Boy's. Now to decide if he will do it for 1 or 2 days a week. He is also signed up for 2 days at Gymboree for play and activity time, and swimming in July.

KD is doing Gymboree and swimming with her brother, her gymnastics is 1 time a week, and now we are looking at adding dance. If we do not get her into dance this summer, she will definitely be starting it this fall. She is an active little girl, but not as high energy as her brother, so she has the lighter schedule.

Ry-Ry will now be referred to as Bulldozer, or Dozer for short. That is because that is all he does is just plow through everything and get into everything. He is a constant little man in motion, but thankfully not walking or running without assistance. He can toddle while holding onto one finger, but he knows he can book it on all fours and still prefers this mode (unless he is cruising around holding onto the furniture). I have yet to figure out a place for him. It would be ideal to have him in a MDO program the 2 days the kids are in Gymboree, so that I can work in my DH's office, or get things done sans kiddos. But then again, I will probably be driving a kid here, driving another one there, and not having anytime to myself. So, unless something just falls on my lap with him, I guess he and I will be cruising the streets together (and caging him in his playpen when I do need to fold laundry).

I hope to have updates over the summer of fun activities, sayings, and events. As it is, my biggest excitement is this Sunday. I am going to go to Kayne's house for a "Fashion with Heart" event. I am a whirlwind of emotions. I really support Go Red for Women and the American Heart Association, since my Sorority's Philanthropy is for Cardiac Care and Research. But the biggest buzz is that it is at his house! Now what to wear? What to wear? What to wear? Dang - I've got to get into my closet, get dressed up, take a picture, change, take a picture, etc. till I find the right outfit. Too bad my birthday hasn't already come along so that I would have new clothes. Too bad either that I haven't lost all of my baby weight. Oh well - this fat mama, will just have to be a sassy mama instead!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I hate spring... not really but it's not good for my family

It's spring in Oklahoma..... that means anything goes. It could be freezing in the morning, then sweltering in the evening. You can have beautiful, clear skies with warm weather, and a severe thunderstorm and/or tornado that night.

I love the constant change of spring weather in Oklahoma, but what I do not like is its effects on the animal life. Primarily, the life of insects and arachnids. When the flies and gnats start swarming early in spring, a blessed cold front to kill them off is always a plus. But when the weather starts turning warmer and wetter, the nastiest spiders seem to creep into my house and take shelter in my son's room. Of course, it would be his room because he is the one that is allergic to everything. You know, it is like the theory of cats. Cats only want to cuddle with the people they know despise them the most. The same seems to be true of the brown recluse spider that is better known as the fiddleback spider.

If you know me, I completely despise spiders. I do respect them, especially those that are beneficial to a gardener like the Daddy Long Legs. But since I do not garden, I prefer all those that enter my house to be dead. Especially, when they are hanging around above my son's bed.

He was already bitten once by a fiddleback last year. Of course, it was in his bedroom. The bite started off looking like a little pimple, but within a few hours it got larger, pussier, and by the next day started pitting in the middle. It was healed within a week, but not something anyone wants to see or have their 4-year-old experience.

His room is not a mess. In fact, he is the one that is most likely to have his room organized (including his closet). Everything has a place in his room and he will tell you where things go. It just so happens that his room is the only one that stays dark all day long and maintains the same constant temperature. It is the perfect environment for the fiddleback spider.

I called and left a message with the pest control company that we use late last night. They called me before hours this morning and I am expecting them come Monday. Hopefully, it will be a one and done treatment to protect his space, but if not, at least I am not charged for everytime they have to come and spray.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Getting back in touch

I feel so loved this week. First, I got to meet a friend, whom I haven't seen in a long time, for lunch. While waiting for her to arrive at the restaurant, I get another call from another girlfriend, whom I have missed so dearly. We have a play date scheduled next week and I am bursting to tell my kids - but I'm thinking it would be better to surprise them instead. Partly because I am afraid of jinxing the good behavior streak they have been having at school. I'm afraid they will be all worked up, they won't think right and therefore do wrong.

These touching surprises to get together with friends is much needed, and much deserved. I have just gotten into such a rut of trying to get through the week of hauling kids to and from school, doing dishes/laundry, going to t-ball, gymnastics, and now my golf clinic, that there doesn't seem to be anytime to sit down and appreciate what I have, and who is in my life. I have just been trying to live for the weekend, when I have a longer stretch of time available to me in order to try and complete the tasks I have set forth for myself. My goal - get my house and life in order because I am ready to have friends over for dinners and fellowship.

Now that I have had these little refreshers, I am geared up and ready for "Spring Cleaning." I am wanting to get out of the clutter in my house, and to also clear out the clutter in my life. I just have to figure out to whom I am going to give all of this stuff (don't worry Melessa, the baby stuff is safe for you). But I am planning on having it all done by Mother's Day weekend, so that I can start living life again. Especially since I'll be home with my kids this summer and I want to be able to have time to enjoy it.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Long time coming

JT: "Dad, is Yoda a crocodile?"

I love watching movies with my children. Although it drives my DH crazy because our oldest is constantly running commentary about what he is seeing, thinking, hearing, etc. He does not have the ability to sit down and quietly ingest anything on the TV or in the movie theater. There is constant movement and/or chatter from him. How his little batteries keep running as long as they do all day without being completely drained is beyond me. I just hope that he can maintain his energy and momentum as he gets older and attends school full-time.

Lately, he has been asking me a lot of questions regarding the human body. No, none of the sexual functions (thank goodness), but I know what most of you were thinking. He has been asking about why bones are so hard, how do our bodies bend if our bones are so hard, etc. So, if anyone has a pre-school book on how to explain some of these questions, I would love to know the title. It seems that every time I try to answer him, it just spurs on a series of more and more questions.

For me personally, I have been spending the last month cleaning up poop from the little one. He has been having a series of diarrhea since the week before Spring Break. It will go for about 4-5 days, then seem to clear up, then start again. For the last 2 weeks, he has been running a temperature off and on. So, in order to rule out certain bacteria and poisons, I am having to take poop samples from him. Trying to capture a 10-month old's stool sample, while not contaminating it with urine, and filling the vials up to the right level is no easy feat. My saran-wrap-diapers have not been as successful either, as spillage is quite often a factor. There is no leak protection with these diapers. I am hoping he gets over whatever it is that is upsetting his stomach soon. I know that my DH is not wanting to be on poop-patrol, seeing as he is working all day today replacing a sewer line for a friend. But why should I have all of the glory from our child?

KD is just KD. She flits, she floats, she flies through life. My DH has come to realize this of her - FINALLY. He now understands that she does not have any athletic ability in her body (beyond doing her gymnastics), and is accepting of the fact that she is more into the Arts. This has been a great eureka moment for our family, and things seem to be going much more smoothly for her.

I'm still pondering the job situation for next year. I have notified several places about my interest to meet with them. It is just up to them to see if they are willing to meet with me. I just hope that when I do return to work, it will be the best fit for me because in turn it will make it the best fit for my family.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Who, What, Huh?

This is Wendy. I have temporarily misplaced myself. Once I figure out who I am, what I am supposed to be doing, and I get back on track with life, I may return your call. Until then, please leave a message at the beep.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring "Break" is now over

Spring break is officially over.......... and my kids are having a hard time adjusting to it. They ran rampant with their cousins last week and the lack of sleep on their part is definitely having its effects.

The little person having the most difficulty adjusting to things is my oldest son. He is only 5 1/2 years old and is grounded. Why? Because he thinks he is smarter than his parents.

Last night he tried to pull the "Well, Mommy said I could......." and the "Daddy said it's okay........" stunt with the two of us. All because he would not ask his father if it was alright to go over to a neighbor's house to play. He "thought" he would not like the answer his father would give him, so he decided to make up one on his own. He had tried asking me originally, but since I had holed myself up in my daughter's room to finish painting it (that is another blog), I reminded him that his Dad was in charge of him and he needed to ask him. And it went on from there.

On the way home from school today, I asked my son how his day went after the break. He said "Great! And we played a game today - called the 'Quiet Game' and everyone kept asking me to play because they think I am so cool."

I don't think I have the heart to tell him the real reason why he must have been chosen for the quiet game.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Giving it another go!

Okay - so last week I fell after the step-stool I was on broke. It was an old wooden one, but my hind-side is still healing. A beautiful shade of black and blue it is too. I am at it again after a week to try and paint on my daughter's room. This time, however, I do not plan on stepping or climbing up anything (I will be using the short ladder later), without my husband's presence. As it is, I have him off to a birthday party with KD, I'm entertaining the baby, and JT is hanging out playing video games. I do plan on getting the primer done in her room today though. keeping-my-fingers-crossed-that-this-first-step-is-done-today-and-not-in-the-middle-of-the-night.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Painting and I don't mix

So I twittered Saturday about whether or not I should clean house or paint my daughter's room. I wasn't sure which was the lesser evil. I chose to clean most of the house, since I knew I was going to be making a mess while painting. I figured it would be better not to have a mess on top of a mess. Of course, my daughter was all on board to help me (she did the toilets) because the faster I finished cleaning, the faster I could paint. Since my house was quite respectable by Saturday afternoon, I took part of yesterday to paint (in between working the nursery at church and going out to celebrate my dad's 61st birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!)

My DH was off playing golf, as is his usual forte on Sunday. My daughter was invited to go play Barbie at a friend's house down the street. My baby was sleeping in his crib. My oldest I had talked into staying with me instead of going to play Barbie with the girls, with the temptation of a movie of his choice and him helping me paint. Thank goodness I did this too. I was just cutting around the second door when the stool I was standing on broke. I went down hard, hit something that was behind me, and found myself not able to straighten out my right leg without extreme pain. I was the epitome of the First Alert Commercial. "I've fallen, and I can't get up!" I got JT to get my cell phone and the technical brains that he is, tried calling his father. No answer. He tried again. No answer. Then I took the phone and tried. No answer. I'm thinking he is away from his golf bag and just didn't hear the phone, but my backside was bleeding and I needed help.

I sent JT into the kitchen to get me some ice (so he wouldn't see the blood - or my tears), and I called the pro shop at the golf course. A friend of my husband's answered and I was quite calm (it was from the shock of course) and asked him to find my husband and tell him to come home as soon as possible because I had fallen and I couldn't get up.

One of the other pros calls my DH on his phone (of course he "hears" this one as it is vibrating in his shorts pocket), and tells him I'm hurt and that he needs to get home. They sent another guy out in a cart to pick him up, since he is walking the course this day. I created such drama for the men yesterday - and I am sure my bruised backside is the joke among them today.

All in all, I did nothing much except create a bigger mess by getting out all of the supplies, and hurting myself so that I cannot get around and do too much even today. I guess I answered my twitter comment when I was debating on whether or not I should clean house or paint. Painting did turn into the greater evil.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sleep Walker

I have never done it, my DH has never done it, but it sure was a scary surprise last night when my daughter did it. It was around 9:30pm last night. My DH and I were sitting in the living room (me pumping of course), watching the b-ball game he had recorded while we were out eating dinner, when I heard a noise from the kids' hallway. I look and there is KD. She is making a little whimpering sound. I ask her, "What's wrong, sweetie?" and watch as she walks through the kitchen instead of towards me. I look at my DH and ask him what he thinks is going on and the next thing we hear is the "beep" as the door to the garage is opened. DH jumps out of his chair and goes to get her. He is asking her, "What did you need?" and she is making some mumbling sound. She is talking, but so sleepily, that we cannot understand her. He sits down in his chair with her and I look at her face - she is sound asleep!!!

I pray this is a one time occurrence, I just know that I did not sleep well last night for fear of hearing another "beep" in the night.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thanks for the Memories.........

This post is in celebration of my 8-year wedding anniversary, which is tomorrow. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HONEY! LOVE YA! **kiss**

Okay - now that I have everyone gagging over my mushiness, on to the details about our weekend. Since the actual day is on a Tuesday this year, my dear mom and step-dad took our kids Saturday night until we met up with them on Sunday for lunch. So, when you have 19-kid-free-hours, what are you to do???

I'm not giving you those details, but we did have a night of memories: 1) wardrobe malfunction, 2) dinner out with friends, 3) dancing at Groovy's (and me in my 5-inch heels kicked it up pretty damn good, 4) drinks at Louis' on the Lake, 5) home

You are still thinking - wardrobe malfunction? How is that memorable? Well, let's just say that if I didn't have a tank underneath my shirt, it would have been like a Janet Jackson half-time show (only I had on a new kick-ass bra, not pasties). Yes, my shirt ripped. I just bought it that afternoon and told the girl I was concerned that it was a little snug across the top, but everything else fit perfectly, so she talked me into it. I even bought a new necklace to go with it. I was stylin' and profilin' when my DH picked me up at the mall from having a quick mani-pedi. As I went to buckle my seat belt, I glanced down and saw it - or really what was left of it as the top split in the middle along a seam. We made a mad dash to the store I bought the shirt from (3 minutes before they closed), found another shirt, another tank, new earrings and necklace to match and were finally on our way to Bricktown for our dinner reservations with only 17 minutes to get there from Norman. We made it on time too. Yes, this is my husband driving. Thankfully the girl at the store was able to switch out my torn shirt and tank for the new ones, and we were only out the cost of the new jewelry.

Dinner was at The Mantel with 2 other couples: Lanie & Dirk; Christina & Sean. My DH surprised me with having had delivered 2-dozen long-stemmed red roses and a love note. The display was already waiting for us at our table. After I tucked the card into my purse, the waitress took my roses to rest in their chiller while we ate. After dinner, they were waiting by the front door for us. What service! The food was really delicious and I really want to go back again to try something else off their menu. There were so many appetizing selections, it was very difficult to choose just one.

After dinner, I tucked myself into the suburban to use my breast pump (Aah.... the joys of a mom with a baby), while the rest of the crew went to check out a club. Finding no table to sit at, they got their cover charges returned, and we went to Groovy's off of NW Expressway. We were finally able to get inside after a wait (and it was only 10:00 pm), and had a good time dancing. Well - really it was only us 3 girls dancing. And yes - I did have on 5-inch heels. We left close to midnight, as we were tired of getting over-crowded on the tiny dance floor (and I was afraid I was going to get knocked over in my heels), and we headed to Louis' on the Lake for drinks. I had a couple of martinis, then we finally headed home.

If you know me really well, you would be surprised to learn that I made it well past my pumpkin hour! We made it home after 1:30am. I won't tell you what time we finally made it to bed, but of course, I was up at 9am the next day pumping again.

Thanks for the memories of a great weekend and wedding anniversary celebration. I had a blast - wardrobe malfunction and all!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another rental, but not stinky!

Yes, I am in another rental vehicle. This one was provided by my dealership, so thank goodness it is clean (and doesn't smell like a stinky feet gymnasium van)! My daughter even likes how clean it is and says we need ours to be like this. Seeing as how she is the one that makes about 70% of the mess in my van - I'm impressed. I had to take the van in last Saturday for an oil change, routine check, etc. I thought the power steering fluid was going out of my van, so I needed them to fix that as well. I was going to do it earlier this month, but just thought it would be easier to do it after our trip to Disney World. Why fix something to sit for over a week - right? As it turns out, there is a problem in my steering column, they had to order a part (which should hopefully arrive today), so I am in a newer Honda minivan. There is no DVD player inside (oh my children are suffering for having to actually look at the outside world - *sarcasm dripping from my smile as I type this*), but I have forgotten how smooth the van is really supposed to drive. Now if I can only get the dealership to detail my vehicle before I pick it up - I will be an extremely happy little girl. hee hee

Monday, February 23, 2009


Have you ever driven around town doing errands, or what-not, and thought to yourself, "What do all of these people do for a living?" I'm finding myself doing this more and more of late. Maybe because I am one of these people driving around on a Monday afternoon when students are in school, and you would presume their parents are at work. But as I drive by mall at 10:30am and find the parking lot rather full. Not to mention that Target always seems to be busy, no matter what the time of day is - I am wondering where all of the cars are coming from and what are all of these people doing to afford to run around during the day? Now I know, I am driving around a town where there is a university and a lot of these cars may belong to college students avoiding their classes and/or dorm rooms, but not every one of these cars belongs to a young person, or even to a retired one. There are people of different ages, genders, and cultural backgrounds driving around doing "their business" for the day - so again my question arises, "what do they do for a living?"

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Family updates

I have been so busy of late, that I really haven't had anytime to post a blog. Well, besides the fact that we did spend 8 days this month in Disney World, my time is just running by rather quickly. I have had so much going on in my mind, just never a computer when I need one.

So for family updates......... KD is doing great at her school. She really enjoys her music class and all of the teachers (one of them who is a professional musician herself) keep singing praises at how well she has developed and the musical talent she is exhibiting.

JT is being himself. We were moved to another gymnastics class this last week because the coaches said that he is just too athletic. The coaches knew that KD would follow along with whatever group he was assigned to, so we tried it out. JT still says he is bored, but not as much as the other gymnastics class. I keep him in gymnastics since it is year-round and really helps to develop his balance and coordination, so it fills in his time in-between his other sports.

Ry-Ry is growing too fast, and I am now having to admit it that he is 8-months old and can no longer be cuddled and held all of the time. He is a mover and a shaker with 4 teeth. He does crawl - it just isn't a typical crawl. I would say more of a slither across the floor. He never really gets upright on his hands and knees. He does get into that position and rocks a lot, but then plops down on his belly to pull himself from one side of the room to another. He does love to stand and I really feel that he will be a walker, not a crawler. He finally began eating in a high chair in restaurants when we were in Disney World, he had his first taste of Cheerios yesterday, and today he was standing in his crib when my DH went in this morning. **sniff, sniff**

Anyways...... I am considering finding a part-time job in the evenings. I really want to go back to work, especially next school year, but I am really disappointed by the outcomes of the daycares. I am also very concerned about what job opportunities may be out there. I do not want to find myself in another position where I am just miserable and my kids are miserable in their schools. It just isn't worth it. So I may be changing my mind yet again for another year and staying home. Thus, the desire to look for something else in the evenings. I am in desperate need for adult contact, and not just those that I have over the phone for my husband's business. Plus I really just want that extra money to go into savings. I don't need the money - I just want it. I would feel more secure about things if it was there.

For those who have been asking - Disney World was amazing as always. We are looking at going back - Jeff thinks sooner than I. We have friends that are looking at going in December, 2010. I was wanting to go again in the next 4-5 years when Ry-Ry is old enough to enjoy the rides. JT was a little more timid about things. He has such an over-active mind that it went into overdrive on things. He would get himself worked up whenever we were waiting in lines for rides, that he would freak himself out. Not to mention the fact that he had to go potty every time we got into a line for a ride, even if he went to the bathroom right before we got into the line. KD loved everything, wanted to do everything, and was really pissed off when she found out she was too short to ride Space Mountain. Next time, baby girl. She did go on the "Haunted Mansion" ride with me. I love her fortitude. She was so curious as to why the house looked the way it did, and why the guy's picture in the attic had his head, then didn't, then did, then didn't, etc. She understood that things were not "real," and really was wrapped up in the presentation of things. Ry-Ry loved the attention he received from the characters. We also got a better look at his preferences for girls. We always knew he was a very big flirt. He is just a friendly baby, no matter what. But, he sure did love the Disney Princesses. He would smile at the blondes, want to touch the brunettes, and he LOVED Mulan. He would not even look at the camera when Mulan was around. He would only look at her and stroke her face. We went to only 3 of the parks - skipping Animal Kingdom this time. If we had only 3 more days, we would have definitely made it to that park and done a lot more. The food was not as wonderful as we remembered it from 8 years ago, but still good. We must also be spoiled since eating at Craftsteak in Vegas. My son's favorite food was Teppan Edo (Japanese in Epcot), and my daughter's was Mexican (also Epcot). I preferred the breakfasts - especially Cinderella's Royal Table and the Princess Storybook Breakfast in Norway in Epcot. My favorite ride is still Rockin' Rollercoaster featuring Aerosmith - although Space Mountain is a classic. I remember riding that so much when I was younger.

Well........ my DH is wanting his laptop and I guess I should get back to my wine and Oscar watching. This just makes me want to go to the movies again. It has been too long since my last GNO.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

SAHM: Loving It and Hating It

I am technically a SAHM. I do work part-time for my husband's business, but if I have access to internet (either through my phone or computer), and a phone line to make/take calls, I can do a majority of the work for him without having to step foot into the office. Although I know I haven't been in the office for a while, I do know that there is pile of paperwork looming for me and that needs to be filed (not to mention finishing packing up the 2008 items and getting 2009 fiscal year ready). I am not necessarily avoiding going into the shop that is dirty from the work crews coming in and out. I just can't now that the baby is no longer content to just laze around in his infant carrier. DH or some other body needs to be in the shop to hold and entertain him while I file, file, file.

So that is why I really can consider myself a SAHM. I'm loving it - and hating it at the same time. I do love not having to be awakened early in the morning to the sound of an alarm clock chiming my hour of doom when I would have to arise, dress, and scurry myself and the children out the door for another day of work. Instead, I awaken usually to the comfort of one of my children crawling into bed with me, if I had not already risen naturally on my own to pump the morning meal for the baby. I do love that there are some mornings where we laze in our pjs until 10:30am, when I then make the kids get ready for the day (after I have had the chance to do so myself without any interference), before fixing lunches and getting the kids out the door for school. The perks of Pre-K and younger. I love that I am home at 3pm every day with my children for us to unwind, play, and enjoy each other's company before making dinner, having our meal, and then getting through the bedtime routine. No rushing around to shove food in their faces and then hie their little hineys off to bed because we didn't get home until after 5pm.

But I hate not feeling like I have any other accomplishments for myself, except managing the phone, hauling children around, and feeding and cleaning up after them continuously day-after-day. I do feel a great sense of accomplishment when I do get into the shop to complete my filing tasks. But those times are very few and very far in between.

I would love to have another job where I could go out on my own, even for 2 hours a day at the very least, work in an atmosphere where I am able to get to work, get it done, and then go home. My work would not benefit my children, but myself. Well, I guess they would benefit some - a happier mom who appreciates more of the time she spends with her kids, while feeling as if she has done something for herself as well.

I have talked to DH about this often and I know a lot of you are thinking - get a part-time job at night. The only problem is my DH's business is the sole bread-winner of this family. His business has run our family's lives for many years now. Because of this, I cannot rely on having him home at a set time every night. He tries. Really he does. There have been some evenings when I have gone out to do other things and he has been home with the kids. But I have been late to everything because his business makes him late. I don't think a job would like me for that reason.

Oh well.... I guess I will just continue to love the ease and freedom that this year has allowed for me. I am now having to consider going back to work next year, which is fine since the oldest will be in kindergarten and the early morning routine will need to begin again. I just don't like the idea of having to put the other two in daycare. I don't feel as if I can truly trust another place to care for my children, not after my last daycare experience. I just hope it is not back to the grind when I do start back to a full-time position. I think we all suffered more with this type of lifestyle.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Come on Monday!

I did get my wish to have a Super Bowl Party last Sunday. My DH smoked a turkey breast and a small brisket. He made his baked beans, and those that attended brought other dishes and drinks to share. MMmmmmm good! I got a chance to eat, talk, drink, and have a good time without caring about the football game. Just what I wanted. Thanks Mom, Bryan, Lanie, Dirk, Jane, Tim, Steph, and kiddos for making my Sunday night an awesome end to the weekend!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday Party???

I want to have a Super Bowl Party.

I don't know why. I really am not interested in this game this year. Jeff may be for the Steelers, so I guess I will just have to root for the Cardinals to bug him. But, really I want a Super Bowl Party.

I want a party, like you see on the TV commercials with friends at my house, eating food, drinking, talking, laughing, having fun.

Maybe it is because I have been cooped up in this house for too long. While I will never run out of things that need to be done, or that I want to do, in this house - I just want to use it for another outlet. Just for a night.

So, I guess if anyone around me thinks they might want to go to someones house for a Super Bowl party, give me a note or call. Maybe we can work something out.

DyFlockly Meme

Okay so the rules are simple. Just do what each ones says then tag 10 of your friends and laugh. Have FUN!

1. YOUR REAL NAME: (If you know me, you know it all. But since this is a public blog, I am just going to leave this one blank.

2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle.) Wenizzle

3. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color and favorite animal) Green Dog

4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (your middle name and street you live on/or neighborhood if it's a number) Dawn Heidi Rae

5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name) Fugwe

6. YOUR SUPERHERO/CRIMINAL NAME: (Your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink)Blue Martini

7. YOUR IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, 1st letter of your last name, 2nd letter of your moms maiden name, 3rd letter of your dads name, 1st letter of a siblings first name, and last letter of your moms first name). EGFCLKY

8. YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (parents middle names). Kathryn Vernon

9 . YOUR GOTH NAME: (black, and the name of one of your pets). Black Brooks

10 . YOUR HOOD NAME:....first 3 of your first name and add -iqua.... Weniqua

11. What will you repost this as? (1st letter of middle name; last letter of siblings first name, first letter of your last name, and add lockly) DyFlockly

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Technology overload

KD and I were playing on the living room floor yesterday evening with the baby. He was sitting up between us, babbling, spitting, laughing, and shaking his toys around. He is still teething, so whenever he wants to really chew on something, we give him his pacifier (otherwise, his toys get soaked). Anyways - I know that my kids have too much technology in their lives when this happens:

Me: KD - can you go get Ry-Ry his pacifier from the kitchen?

KD: Sure! Put him on pause though until I get back - okay?

Me: Honey - this is live, there is no pausing life.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Getting to Know You 2009 - all about me (sort of)

Welcome to the new 2009 edition of getting to know your family and friends. Here is what you are supposed to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the fun. Change all the answers so that they apply to you.. Then send this to a bunch of people you know, INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. Some of you may get this several times; that means you have lots of friends. The easiest way to do it is to hit 'forward' so you can change the answers or copy and paste. Have fun and be truthful!
I want to see your answers!!

1. What is your occupation right now?
Household CEO - I can also add "Office Bitch" when I am at my husband's shop or basically "Personal Assistant to the AIC (A**hole In Charge)"

2. What color are your socks right now?
Not wearing any - usually barefoot whenever possible

3. What are you listening to right now?
Children whining and fighting with each other (Bedlam basketball is on in the background)

4. What was the last thing that you ate?
Cinnamon chipotle grilled pork chops, corn, broccoli (of course - my hubby cooked)

5. Can you drive a stick shift?
You really do not want me to attempt that

6. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
My sister

7. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
Yes (miss seeing you!)

8. How old are you today?
Literally or figuratively? I'm really 34, but sometimes I feel 50-ish, and generally 20-something

9. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?

10. What is your favorite drink?
depends on whether or not the kids are asleep or not! When they are awake - it is only coffee or water... when they are asleep - one of my husband's martinis

11. Have you ever dyed your hair?
yes - but I would rather pay someone to do it for me - it looks better that way.

12. Favorite food?
Whatever I do not have to cook. I'm a junk-food-a-holic (pizza, macaroni and cheese, pastas), but I also love Mexican and Japanese food

13. What is the last movie you watched?
Kung Fu Panda

14. Favorite day of the year?
My birthday of course! Because you know - it is always about me!!!
Actually - the days that each one of my children were born

15. How do you vent anger?
Do you mean before or after I bitch out my husband? Usually I bite his head off over something inconsequential. He gets me back. Then when we are both fuming - I just break down and laugh because I got him to share my frustration and anger with me. It works better when I start the fighting though.

16. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Snoopy - this was more my Mom's favorite as she kept buying him all the outfits, but he was fun to take to swim meets.

17. What is your favorite season?
Fall - when the days are cool enough to enjoy, but the evenings are not too cold to enjoy outside by the fire pit.

18. Cherries or Blueberries?
Blueberries - fresh, frozen, or dried I love them. Bing cherries when they are fresh.

19. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?
Heck yes! We are all too busy to call, so e-mail me anytime, anywhere, and about anything!

20. Living arrangements?
Married - with children - in a house - iced in right now

21. When was the last time you cried ?
This afternoon when I was watching some show I had recorded........... just because I was needing an emotional outlet and I do not want to take it out on my kids.

22. What is on the floor of your closet?
The question should be - what is not on the floor of my closet. There are shoes, clothes, kids toys, and no telling what else they may have dragged and hidden in there. They like to play "Hide And Seek" in my closet a lot. I loved to hide in my mom's closet too when I was growing up.

23. What did you do last night?
Celebrated my niece's 15th birthday with dinner at Ted's followed by homemade cake and presents at my sister's house

24. What are you most afraid of?
something terrible happening to my children or husband

25. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?

26. What is your favorite kind of dog?
The ones I've got - please, no more

27. Favorite day of the week?
Saturday - when DH isn't working, hunting, or playing golf; And Friday nights - we all finally seem to get together on these nights

28. How many states have you lived in?

29. Diamonds or pearls?

30. What is your favorite flower?
yellow rose - means friendship

Monday, January 12, 2009

It's the Middlen's Day

My Middlen (pronounced-middle-uhn-and-no-this-is-not-her-name) is 4 today. How she has made it this far is sometimes beyond me, but I am so proud of her. Her royal highness went skipping off to school today with her tiara on and her singing princess microphone (gifts courtesy of her Aunt Kelly, Uncle Mike, and cousins Lauren and Jake).
She is a precious and precocious little child and I love her more and more each day. So - Happy Birthday Sweetheart. I love you, my little KD.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

From the mouths of babes

While taking JT to basketball practice last Thursday night (of course KD had to come along too - I think she just likes to get the snacks), the kids were watching Star Wars: Episode 1 in the van. Here is how the conversation went....

KD: Jarod? Who is that?

JT: That is Yoda. He is the leader of the Jedi.

KD: He talks funny. Why does he talk funny?

JT: That is because he is old, like a Grandpa. He is like a funny-looking old Grandpa. And he is short too, so that makes him a little Grandpa.

(My thoughts: A funny, little, GREEN Grandpa)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Fun Times Meme - from my step-mom

I got the following activity in an e-mail from my step-mom, so I thought I would share it with you and my responses on my blog. Feel free to do it yourself and pass it along.

Five names you go by
1. Mommy
2. Wendy
3. Mrs. Fugate
4. Wendles
5. Wendy King (some people still call me this - and I still respond)

Three (3) things you are wearing right now
1. wedding ring
2. tank top
3. panties
(Whew! Good thing they didn't ask for 4 things!)

Two Things you want badly
1. Financial freedom (who doesn't want this!)
2. For my family and friends to all be healthy and happy this year

Two people who will probably fill this out:
1. Don't know
2. Since I have done it through my blog
(hee hee - I cheated!)

Two things you did last night
1. Took JT and KD to basketball practice last night (there is a blog about that soon)
2. Drank a chocolate cherry martini while watching OU play football

Two things you ate today
1. Uh.... Sonic hamburger without onions
2. Sonic peppermint
(I know, I know - I need to eat, but like my previous blog said I am disappointed in food right now)

Two people you last talked to on the phone
1. Jeff - my DH
2. Micah - a builder

Two things you are going to do tomorrow
1. JT's basketball game
2. KD's birthday party

Three longest car rides that you can remember
1. From Keystone, CO to Norman, OK via a side trip through New Mexico and getting snowed in on the interstate - it took us 24 hours and 2 minutes to get home (but I didn't want to kill my boyfriend then - so it must be a good thing since he is my hubby now!)
2. Bus ride from OKC, OK to Crested Butte, CO - that is because the bus broke down in the middle of the night and we were off to the side of the road for an additional 3 hours without heat
3. Driving from Norman, OK to Roswell, NM as a kid every other summer. Everything takes longer when you are younger.

Two of your favorite beverages
1. My hubbies martini creations for me
2. Water

Now, here's what you're supposed to do .... And please do not spoil the fun. Hit forward, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the Person who sent it to you. Have Fun!

My baby is growing too fast!

Ry-Ry is just growing up too fast! I have been holding myself back from trying to force him into things, as I am trying to enjoy the infancy of my son that I missed with my other two. But dang it - he won't cooperate and stop developing! (Hands-on-fist-stomping-foot-mood)

I left him for 4 days last week and when I come home, all sorts of stuff start happening. On Christmas day, he started cutting his first tooth. So I didn't mind so much having to leave him with this beginning milestone, as I didn't mind missing those wet poo-poos from his teething action. Yet, I come home and what does he do - he starts holding his bottle and feeding himself, rolling onto his knees and rocking back and forth trying to crawl (although he is dang good at rolling himself across the floor or pulling himself around in different directions by his arms), trying to stand up when I hold him, and is now cutting his second tooth.

Just what in tar-nation did those other grandparents do to him to make him grow up so much! The excitement is going to come next month when we take him to Disney World. I didn't want him to be wanting to walk at that time, but I have a strong fear that he sure will like to try.

Of course, things are not helping me too much when on our return flight home, my DH sees another little girl on our plane and states that he would really like to have another girl. I DON'T THINK SO! I had to remind him that the lack of sleep and the few nights away from our daughter has addled his brain and after 1 night home with her I am sure he will change his mind. I hope it has changed since we have been back this week. My baby girl is going to be 4 on Monday, and she is all the girly-girl I can handle. I feel for my friend Jessica, who just gave birth to her 3rd girl today. I do wish her CONGRATULATIONS! but I do not know how she is able to manage her little girlies as it is. My one is enough and I am done.

Monday, January 5, 2009

No more Ho-Ho-Hoing please

I am spent. Physically and so is my wallet. I still have a birthday party to plan for this weekend and a little girl's room to paint pink, then I think I will be able to breathe again before the next week long journey to Disney World next month. Although this morning started off better than the past few, as today is actually the first morning that I have awakened without the hangover feeling from jet lag. While the holidays were wonderful(especially my unplanned gift of not pissing my MIL off, although my DH did on a daily basis - at least she was mad at him and not me!), the trip to Las Vegas and the Holiday Bowl in San Diego were awesome.

I will probably never spend another New Year's Eve in Las Vegas - so I am glad to have this experience. But after our dinner that night - my stomach may be fuller, my taste buds more discriminating, but my wallet is too flat now. Jeff, my DH, summed up the whole tasting sensation perfectly when he said, "I have had Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter in one night!" Needless to say, there was a lot of food, good food, and it just kept on coming. Plus for the price - you didn't want to stop eating - there were no such things as doggie bags at this restaurant.

So here is the story of our dining experience. Mom was able to get us reservations at Craftsteak in the MGM Grand hotel where we were staying. The menu was all al-a-carte, but there was a section off to the side that were 3-course meals. I thought at first that you picked something from each course section listed on the menu. Boy, was I wrong. This was the Chef's menu. In other words, when you chose this section, you didn't get to decide what you were going to eat except for the grade of meat. The Chef would decide what cut of meat you would have, what appetizers and salads, and desserts. The Chef for Craftsteak is Tom Colicchio. He has been the head judge on every season of the Bravo reality TV show Top Chef.

Craftsteak serves Wagyu beef only. Wagyu beef is raised just like Kobe beef, just not in Kobe. Jeff chose the Australian Wagyu beef with lobster (grade 10), Mom and Bryan chose the Domestic Wagyu beef with lobster (grade 8). We were told that the courses were for 2 or more people, but because Jeff likes his beef cooked more that Mom and Bryan do, we each ordered our own chef's menu - thus we ended up with even more food than necessary. We could have easily eaten only from 1 chef's menu. So here are the courses and the food that we all shared:

First Course: Fresh Arugula salad, Fresh Caesar Salad, Fresh Hawaiian Shrimp Saute, Steak Tartar, Lobster Bisque, Air-aged prosciutto crudo (hung dried for 18 months). When I say fresh - I mean everything is fresh. Flown in daily from around the world, never frozen, and made when you order it.

Again - this was just the first course! And it wasn't just a 1 or 2 bite tasting per person. There were 12 shrimps, a large bowl of the soup, 1/2 the head of lettuce for each salad, and six slices of the prosciutto ham - and 1 slice was longer than the diameter of my plate! This first course could have been my total meal and I would have been satisfied.

Second Course: Each group had sauteed mushrooms and garlic creamed mashed potatoes, then we also had wilted spinach and grilled asparagus. For our steaks, Jeff and I had the filet and flatiron skirt steak. Each steak serving was at least 8 oz and came with a wine sauce that makes my mouth water just thinking about it. We also had 2 1/2 pounds of lobster that was freshly cooked and cubed (this includes the meat from the tail, body, and claws) and was placed in a saffron cream butter sauce. Saffron itself is the most expensive spice by weight and comes from southeast Asia, so it was neat to try this spice - and delicious too!

Finally - our third course was desserts! Yes, desserts as in plural. We were each served 4 desserts - and each dessert could have easily been eaten by 4 people. We both had roasted pineapple slices in balsamic, fresh pear sorbet and rasberry sorbet. They melted in your mouth. My favorite was the pear because it tasted like you were eating a fresh pear that was chilled. Jeff and I were also served creme brulee and a bread pudding that I would more than be willing to pay the dinner price again just for the recipe. Even Jeff was astounded by it and said that it was better than his Great-Grandmother's. Nothing has ever beaten his great-grandma's recipes before, so you know it was great! Mom and Bryan had the pineapples and sorbets, but they also had an apple crunch and a molten lava cake. These had nuts in them, so you know I have no comment on it, but the apple crunch seemed to have been the biggest hit of their selection.

Can we just say that I feel as if I had eaten a year's worth of food in just one sitting! The price tag was a couple of months of groceries too. It would be like taking my most expensive meal from Mickey Mantle's and multiply it by 2. If you have ever eaten at Mickey Mantle's in OKC, you would know that you cannot get out of there cheaply - especially if you choose a 3-course meal. Yet since I have been home, food is horrible now and I feel as if I am so picky because I have been spoiled by such a delicious fare. Now I know why rich people are so picky about their food - because they have tasted the best.

Oh well........ back to reality and my crappy cooking. :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Are you freakin kidding me?!?!

OK - this is a rant. We flew home yesterday from Las Vegas and our plane went from Vegas to Midland/Odessa, then to Love Field (where we then drove home). Our plane was late taking off because we were waiting on 4 chickies to board and stow their luggage that should have been checked. I had to point out to Jeff that was ranting about this, that they probably purchased tickets late and couldn't get their bags checked since we were already loaded and waiting (and waiting and waiting). We made up time in air and landed in Midland/Odessa. We shifted in our seats and stretched out (since the first leg was jammed pack), and the stewardess kept coming over the intercom telling everyone that we will be leaving the gate as soon as everyone was seated. People were waiting to use the potty, so this was our hold-up. I can't complain on this, since I was the second one in line for the facilities when we were given the go ahead and the line was long when I got out (the bonus for sitting near the potty in the first place). But the stewardess kept saying, "Really people.... we will be leaving as soon as everyone sits down in their seats and are buckled. We will be at the next stop in 45 minutes. You can go to the restroom when we are in the air." (She was cranky - but trying to be good-humored about getting the plane going as the flight still had 2 other stops after Love Field).

So FINALLY we are cleared. Everyone is seated, the flight attendants are going over the safety features doing the seatbelt demonstration and this woman in the row in front of me gets UP, crosses over the person in the aisle seat and tries to go to the bathroom! She was never in line waiting like everyone else - she just decided then she wanted to go. This again stopped everything on our flight. The male attendant had to chase down the aisle and kick her out of the bathroom.

I do wish I had a picture of my face at her stupidity. I am sure my dumb-foundedness would have made a priceless pic. I would have forgiven her if this was her very first flight - but as it was, she had just been telling her seat mate that she was on the same plane since Los Angeles, where the flight originated. She had already gone from Los Angeles, to Las Vegas, to now Midland/Odessa, waiting for our leg to Love Field - where she would be exiting with us. She had already had 2 encounters with the plane and the instructions, but the lady thought she could just slip on by.

Maybe next time I will carry some Depends with me in my carry-on for any more idiots that try to hold up the flight anymore.

I hate idiots on planes.